Page 274 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 274
Table No, 3 "IV*—Experts from the Port of Bashlrc to different countries during the y^
i930-ar and 1921.33, classified according to Persian Customs—could.
Value. WuoHr
Articles. Countries.
1920-2L 1921-22. 13150-21. 1W1-2S.
£ £ Tons, Toot
TVoollcn clothings J 279
Articles of merchandise 81 162 3
not sped Sol. ilojopotama . GO :
Inc » 123 3
JSelgiam 11
Total 81 346 €
Cotton yarns Bairoin . 152 1
Otter countries 16 50
Total 168 60 1
Indisn shawls
Soap others Iniia 140 3
Maecat 68
Total 208 S
Hcnnib Mesopotamia . 70 2
Bahrein . • 3
Total 73 2
Syrups sad molasses . 8 • ••
Candles • * 42 •••
Ex plod res . »
Motor cycles India 284 iff l
Oman 126 • ••
Total 410