Page 276 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 276


              Return of shipping of nil Nationalities which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade
                         port of Uushlrc during the year aist March 1821—20th March 192a.  * tfc.
                                              Meant Vc licit.


                                         *n« cum.          I* fliiun.         Tout.
                   Xit&ootJItf of TmtIo.
                                    No. of ftlMll.  ^itTinufe.  No. of Tniflt,  Net Toiin^r  No. of

              British .                 125   286,527     60    110,302     176   393,'S
              Chinese •                  2      2.160                        2

                            Total       127   287,037     50    110,302     177   3VS,>3


                                         Wit* Ciieo.      li Buun.            Turn..
                   Jifjonilltj of TctmIo.
                                    No. of TcoMh.  Net Tojimjt.  No. of V tuelt.  Nrt Tonnsge.  No. of Vt»e*s.  N<XT«an

              British •                  61    109.615     76   168,126     122   277,:*)
              Chin MS .                   1      4C8                         1      to
                            Total        62    110,033     76   108,126     123   276^55

                SGPI-S16—X1-37 4—0-3-23—35.
   271   272   273   274   275   276   277   278   279   280   281