Page 272 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
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Table No. 3 •« 15.”—Exports from the Port of Busblre to different countries daring they^
1930-31 and 1931.33 classified according to Persian Customs—could.
Vu.u*. Wriort.
Articiou Countries.
1920-21. 1921-22. 1920-21. 1W1-21
£ t Tone.
Vegetable auhataocen * 1.dia . 30
Otler countries 17s £2
To'al 205= 52
Tobacco, aomanufaccored IadU . 45,345 21.0S9 493 359
Mesopotamia . 4,732 2,005 3G 19
Onus ... ■V,z W1 6 6
Egypt . 3.3S- 11,444 42 207
Uni;cd Slatea of America Si5 12
Kuweit . 722 7
Bahrein ■ . . • 4m 3.*6 6
0;her coant rice . 575 1U8 6 19
Tcitl 58.071 33,833 COa 015
• Paints, Drei and Yar- Bahrein . 2,381 4S8 106 37
niahea. Omatt . i 145 54 5 6
India 335 2
Mesopotamia 873 4 33
Kuweit . 161 4
Other countries U 633 3C
Total 3,711 1,179 149 78
Mineral produota . AD countries • K 34
GJaaaet not aped Jel 32
y ca niton • • 1« 108
Tonga •* 62 16
Golhioge not specified • M-*op)fami» . ICS 133
India IS 1
Other oodntrice * a 329
Total 227 814
Bop's and cordage 8 57
Typographical and LUho- India « 1,338
'graphical product*. Other countries 163 59
Total 244 1,454