Page 312 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 312
Import* into the Port of Bushirp from different countries during the year* J921-22 agd
classified according to Persian Custom*—con/d. 3
Talus. Who nr.
Article*. Countries.
1021-22. 1922-21 1921-22. 1922-21
£ £ Tons. Ton*.
United Kingdom 0,103 6,000 3 3-e
Tissues of cotton mixod with artificirJ Ital/ . 11,161 1/J20 3
■ilk— t H
Gcrmtnj • 2,124 440
(A) Containing mors than 10 per 04
cent, of silk. India . . 2,973 2
Franc* 2,411 1
Other Countries 67 350 0-4
27,864 6..S10 9 4-12
Indi* . 145 02
(B) Containing less than 10 per oent
of silk. { Ital/ . 118 0-2
363 0-4
Tissue* of mixed cotton and natural
(s) More than 10 per cent. and less United Kingdom . 1,500 0-7
than 33 per cent, of silk.
{ France 1C9 01
1,069 Os
(4) Coanting from 25 par cent, to
90 per cent, of silk—
France 630 O!
(1) All kinds not special!/ tariffed^
Other Countries . 29
559 0!
United Kingdom . 5,400 2-4
(2) Plushes and velvets . .* France 540 0-i
Austria 93
Tisanes of wool or linen mixed with United Kingdom . 1.194 0-7
silk—natural or artificial—not
special]/ tariffed. Francs 300 Of
Other Countries . 6-40 0-!
2,134 O-Il