Page 311 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 311

             Into the Port of Bushlre from different countries during the years 1921-22 and 1922-23
                          classified according to Persian Customs—could.
                                                     Value.           'Weight.
                Article*.            Coentrj**.
                                                 1921-22.  1922-23.  1021-22.  1922-23.

                                                    f      £       Tone    Too*
                                India .             990    2,700      10     42
           i 0f Urap nod jute (Cummo
       r^jc»                   United Kingdom        27                      1-fi
         (vr packing)-                                       90
                                                   1.023   2,800      16     43-5
                               China                       1,730             0-9
       7;w3« of natural silk—  France                      1,390             0-4
         jlj All kind* not specified
                               India .                      153
                               Other Countries              169
                                                           3,442            0-13
                               India .                      C20
        (2) Spang!*            United Kingdom                00
             led of embroidered with*
         gold and ! e'lrcr.
                               Germany                       45
                               Franc®                       420              0*1
        (3) Other sparkled or embroidered.
                             { Italy .                      07
                                                            487              0*1
                               France                       135
        (4) Tulles and gauzes not em
         Iroidcred.         { Japan .                       66
       L-Mae* of mixed cotton and wool—
        fl) Containing more than 10 per
         cent, and less than 50 per cent, of   United Kingdom .  210
         wooL               }
        i‘) Containing more than 50 per
         cent, of wool—
         (A) Velvet and plushes  United Kingdom            930              11
                              United Kingdom      8,405   13.700     7      17
                               Belgium                     880              0-9
                               France ,            253     680              0-5
         (B)Not Others not specially -
           tariffed.          India .             2,023              2
                              Mesopotamia           35
                              Other Countries      427      162             0-2
                                                 11.153   15.422     »      17 Id
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