Page 310 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 310
Imports into the Port of Buihire from different countries during: tLa years 1921-22 tnd 19$.*,
claiiififcd according to Persian Customs—con/d. ,z*
Valve. 'Wuoirr.
Articles. Countries.
1921-22. 1922-23. 1921-22. I022.a
£ £ Tons. Torn,
Pare Cotton ti»a oa—emUL
United Kingdom 150 0-1
(6) Handkerchiefs • • India • . 111
Other Countries 40
307 04
United Kingdom 4,377 2,000 3 36
Gorman/ 130 650 05
Franc* . 1.058
(7) Volrete and Plnihcs (*U kinds).- India . 1,«0 6
Its!/ . 447
Japan . 23
Mesopotamia 8
7,103 3,150 9 3-11
France 127 300 0-2
United Kingdom 70S 203 0-2
(8) Tolies not embroidered •
India . . 98
Other Co an trie* 49 100 0-1
: 979 003 05
Pore aroollen tiara**—
Oriental shavl* . - India . 778 670
Blanket* India . 280 3-7
United Kingdom 13,000 71
France • J 7,800 5-4
jjUceDanooo* .*
Germany . 2,050 18
Other Coos trie* 480 0-4
France 1,760 6-7
United Kingdom 1,290 at
Tissue* of pure Artificial silk (all kinds >•
Germany . 310 SI
Italy • . 46 • •