Page 306 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 306
Imports into the Port of Dushiro from different countries during the year* 1921-22 and 1922-jj
classified according to Persian Customs—contd.
Value. Weight.
Article*. Countries.
192122. 1922-23. 1921 22.
£ £ Tons. Toot.
r Cermsuy 1,050 11
J India . . 400 12
(8) All other objocte . Unhid Kingdoir. . 290
I Other Countries . GG0 o:
Miners] Oil—
India . 2,300 430 81 101
(1) In tins for lubrication . .• United Kingdom 31 199 61
Other Countries C3 46 1 H
2,394 675 82 235
(2) For beating Indis . 460 09
(3) Petrol in Tins United States 2,300 ICO
r India . 127 30
Mineral Products uot specified Oman . 14 3
1 Other Countries 41 9
1S2 42
Musical Instruments—
Pianos United Kingdom . 127 No. 2
Machines and Tools—
United Kingdom . 73 3
Manual Tools
•{ India . 36 04
109 34
(1) Agriculture . Germany 130 t:
United Kingdoi 305 1,240 2 9
India . 649 23
Austria 117
(2) Industrial . Germany . 157 M
United States 62 400 04
France 49
Other Countries 156 161 II
1,228 1,958 26