Page 302 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 302

              Import* into the Port of Bushire from different countrici during tb« yean 1921-22 and 1922-21
                                 classified according to Persian Customs—contd.      **

                                                            Valcb.          W 1.1Q1IT.
                       ArtkW.              Countries.
                                                        1921-22.  1922 23.  1021-22.  1922-21.
                                                          £       £      Ton*.   Tea*.
                                      Oman .             M17       690      n       32
                                       Baturin             185     690      3       17
               (1) Frcfch, dried, tailed or emokod .*
                                      Mesopotamia           6
                                      Other Coaotries .   365               4
                                                         1,972    1.200     99      49

                                       United Kingdom .    37      209      2      M
               (2) Preserred in tins .
                                    { Other Countries .            G9
                                                           37      278      2      2-4

                                      Iodis .              70               21
                                       United Kingdom .    42
              Yrgc-tible and rubM&nccs .  • *
                                       France              33
                                      Other Countries .     6
                                                          151               21

              Sugar (refined)—
                                      Java .            123,296  65.000   2,935   2,050
                                       United Kingdom     304    15,290     4      285
                                       India .   .      100.455   !,070   1,920    170
               (1) Crystal or powder -
                                       China .           21,769            440
                                      Japan .            3,848             140
                                       Other Countries   1.128    1,300     29     200
                                                        242,759  81.COO   4,400   5.016
                                       Egypt.            30,092  12,000    490     350
                                       France            24,893  88.500    495    1.780
                                       Belgium           39,017  14,400    680     416
               (2) In cubes or loaf
                                       India .           49,346  9,000     783     245
                                       United Kingdom
                                      :                                   • f
                                       Other Coen tries  0       2,900              71
                                                        143,731  102,900  2,356  2,963
   297   298   299   300   301   302   303   304   305   306   307