Page 300 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 300
Imports into the Port of Bush ire from different count rici during the years 1321-22 and 1S22.J1
classified according to Persian Customs—co/z/4.
Talcs. WtlGlir.
Article*. Countries.
1921-22. 1922-23. 1921-22. ,922;.i
c X Ton*. Tor*.
United Kingdom 162 160 17
India . 117
Macaroni United Slates 2
Mesopotamia 1
Other Countries 5 CO 02
2S7 24G 2 IV
United Kingdom 332 570 2 33
France 17 G 1
Biscuits (all kinds) India . 32
Belgium L2
Other Countries 28
5.7.2 593 1 i 3 *
United Kingdom 29
India . 23
Belgium HI
Holland 4
Mesopotamia 836 420 102 106
(1) Dates . Oman . . 116 14+
Other Countries S3 14 10 17
9-19 550 112
India , 1.6.72 1,080 1W 4+5
Mesopotamia 413 32
Kuwait . 240 27
Oman . 6 105 C1
(2) Other frait* (fresh or driod) .*
Bahrein 140 1+
United Kingdom 41
Janzibar . S
Other Countries 41 59 4
i 73 tt
2,218 1.484 m