Page 298 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 298
Imports into the Port of Bushire from different countries during the years 1921-22 and 1922.2,
classified according to Persian Customs—could.
Vax.ce. Wrianr.
Aiticlc*. Countries
102I-22. 1022 23. 1921-21 1W2-21
£ £ Tons. Toth
India . 534 1,070 30 94
Raw erraont .* Belgium 200 r,
Gcmixny 57 4
536 1,327 30 123
Bricks India . 2,300 414
2,800 4i<i
Pood stulli
India . 1.99J 1C2 16 22
Mesopotamia TOT 5
Butter and Margarine—
United Kingdom . 37
(1) Fresh or salted .
Zanzibar C9
Switzerland . 56
1,6(2 1C2 21
(2) Small Tina . India . 8 GO 5J
I United Kingdom . 136 404 H
India .
Cocoa and Chocolate
Switzerland . 42 23 01
l Belgjun 3
225 443 11
Coflea— India . 214 290 2 J-4
(1) Not roasted Bahrein 2) 0-1
Other Countries . 23
237 311 2
(2) Roasted (ground of not All Coantriea . # 48 02
48 &: