Page 293 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 293

                  rt» into Bashire from all source* during the year* 1020-21. 1921-22 and 1222-23—tontd.
        Pfir»cipnJ wnpo

                                 1929-21.  1921-22.  1922-23.  1920-21.  1921-22.  1922-23.
                                   c       t        C      Tocul   Toni.    Tons.

        Alcohol. Spirit* of all Und«. Whisky   400  21        i
         *3,d Brandy.
        Dreg* A**f®tida   •   •   •  :•              608                      y*
        Prog* not opocified ....   6w597   3,346             132      75
        Coa Tragacanth   ....     75.GS8  113,067  '70.820   369     673    514-3
        Other .....................................................  12.134  4,286  13.0*7  476  182  851-3
        Gu=» not apetified .                       6.416                    138 5
        Spice* l.......................................  131  88  CI5  3  3   3-4
        Clothing, woollen   •   «   •  279           87)                      1
             other*   .            227      814      lil      10              <>5
                                                   5,543                      8-6
        Aniad matte ns not Bpecified   2,409  2,189  141      7       11     13-8
       Arias! matter*. Raw (not specified)   8  34  3S3                      404
        Cotton, raw   ....        12^»71    773    8,155     137      14    156
        Raw wool   ....                              748                     21
        Eiir                                         (8                       2-3
       Cotton yarn ...              108      60      a        l               o-i
        Wed jam ...                                  y/i                      0«
        Rope and Cordage 1           8       6?
       Woofim carpet*, Aniline •                   43,775                 No. 13,776
       Woollen carpets, non-aniline   131,630  151,868  76,000  170   247  „ 18A53
        White Cotton tisane .   .   216      84      175                      0-6
       Cotton tisane* (dyed or printed)            1,415                      2-55
        Rot* woollen tissue .   ,   334    1,034    335             • •       0*
        Bilk Tmtot                   4             3^3                        M
       fi«nc* of mixed cotton and wool              435                       0-9
       Mercery (smoker*’ requisite) •               204                      11-4
        AH otter object*            155     630               9        6
        ^°PI*r articles .                  • •       87             • •       O-i
        C°**(Kraas) .                      • •      174             • •       4*1
        O^tTart .  •-                               162                      6

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