Page 290 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 290

                 Principal imports into Btuhifo from all source* during the year* 1220-21,1321-22 and 1922-23—

                                                    Vale*.                  Weight.
                                           1920-2L  1921-22.  1922-23.  1920-21.  1921-22.  1922-2J.

                                              £       £       £      Tons.   Tons.    Tons.
                  Buttons •   •   •   •                       6,390                    1S-7
                  Toys and games ...                           281                      04
                  Lamps, etc. ....                            2,150                    15-9
                  Gramophone, etc. •   •   •  654      235     189
                  Hardware domestic utioloe .  5.810  3,020   1,355     32       19     7-9
                  Telephone and telegraph, etc. •             1,112                    30-4
                  All other objects •   .    26,551  23,616   4,760                    11-6
                  Framed mirrors, gjsaos, vases, etc.  1,668  3,934  1,620              7-8
                  Furniture.   .   •   • •                    2,275                    12-6
                  Glass and crystal who      18,COO   11,481            94       74
                  Iron and steel in ban or shoots .  3.477  1,569  893  37       35    354
                  Galvanised iron in a&eot .   176     321     333       2       6      8-5
                  Tinned iron in sheet  •   •                 1,240                    31
                  Nails, screws, rivets and pipe*             1,016                    29-1
                  Objects other than mercory, hardware   12,627  5,977  2,809  131  108  37-2
                  • etc. . gg
                  Tin, lead, sine., etc, in bars or sheets   5,349  2,236  813  19  1#'  6-9
                  Objects m lead, etc. .   '                   236                      04
                 .Iton and steel in bass, plates   3,477  1,509         37      35
                  Manufactures ol copper and Kiekel   790  80            1
                  Copper, Nickel and objects therein   12,279  4j674  1,785  32  35    4-9
                  Silver ooins (Persian Kraus)  43,034  10,868  2,034                  04
                  Rupees                                      4£40                     14
                  Aluminium and other metals, in ban  78$     3,836                    JM
                  Gold va/lchas      •        1,178    177     131   No- 50  No. 29  So. H
                  8ilTer wwtchee   .  .   .   •  601   190     1M     .20$   . 160   . 1#
                  Other •wstcbss   .  .       823      2W      397    .438   JB  619  .1171
                  Spare peris   •  •   •   •                   90
                  Motor boats   ,   .         tit     381      m                13   So. *
                  8pare parts • •   • [y;#    942     441      424                     H
                  Ordinary printing or writing paper  14,1U  19410  10,804  70  280.
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