Page 291 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 291

                   ort* la to Buslufc from all aoarcca during the ycur# 1 SCO-21,1921-22 jmd 1222*23—caniJ.
          principal imP

                                   1920-21.  1921-22.  1922-23.  1920-21.  1921-22.  1922-23.
                                     *        C       I      Tons.    Too*.    Too*.
                 including cardboard  250     402     2,000              1      14-7
          Otlfi p*pw*
                                                       618                       21
          F»l*r objects .
          pfffu=>ca  other than scented soap and  1.141  1,100  1,100  1  2      2-6
           tlcobolic perfume*.
          Sldr i tanned .            2,602   2,043     820       3       4       Zrl
                                                       810                       1*0
          Skins djed
          Skin t mushed .   •   •                      684                       0-5
          Object* in leather, aaddlery. etc.          1,000                      a-i
          Leather .   •   •_        18.983   7,303    6,040     13       10     130
          Oiler objects in leather    123     201      380       2       6       1-5
          Skies, raw, salted          630     177                        3
          Pctterie* of all kind* .                    2,718                     1S-7
          Ammunition and gunpowder    471             1,101      2               «-0
          AH ether kind* ...                           278                       0-8
          SoiianL Coro id ...                          60                        44
          AH othsx chemical product*   6,796  1,624   2,125     60       38     414
          Piptn. reviews and books .  1,161  2,283    1,972      6       10      7-4
          Oiler printed m&ttfcrs                      1,022                      <J-8
          Fonge                               468      197               00      100
          Soip, pedufoed •   .        633     678      989       1       1       4-0
          Scap, ethers               3,533    643     1,236     60       12     22-1
          Curette*                  11,380   3,740    3.975     21       8       54
          Opus                                         236                      04
          Tobacco, unmanufactured ...   203    97
          Chs pine* measuring 50 square c*di-         1.468                     384
          Clus pane*, all other   .                  6,064                      664
             (Natural)              121,021  .23,240  d 5,400   21      37       29
          lodigo (synthetic) .                       ■11,339                     21
             dye* admitted for importation  # -1.S48  6,750  .U830  9    13     8 8
          Tsraish  • • • • •    .                      261             • •       2
                                S                      427                     No. 78
                                                                              D 2
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