Page 289 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 289

                      into Bushire from all source* during the year* 1920-21,1921-22 and 1922-23-<orrfd,
         principal import*
                 Aitkin                                                      1922-23
                                  1920-21.  1921-22.  1922-23.  1920-21.  1921-22.

                                    £        £       £      Toe*.    Ton*.  Ton*.
                   cot embroidered
         Julies *nd 8&ulc*                                                     0-1
         Tissue*  (J cotton *nd wool (containing      210
          note  ttan 10 per cent and leas than
          50 per  cent of wool).
                                                      939                      11
         Velvet and plosbew ....
         Other* not fpcciaUr tariffed  59.019  11,153  15,422  50       0     18«
         Tiyue* of cotton nixed with artificial   6.033  27.804  6,810  4  9   5*3
          milk (containing more than 10 per
          cent of ailk).
         t;,,Ue* of cotton nixed with artificial      263                      0*4
          nlk (containing Itaa than 10 per cent
          of iilk).
         Tiisue* of nixed cotton and natural silk    1,009                     0-8
          (morethin 10 percent and Icaa than
          25 per ctnt of silk).
         Tissue* of nixed eottori and natural eflk    659                      0-2
          (containing 25 per cent to 90 per cent
          of silk).
         flaihe* and velvet* ....   • •              6,055
         Tissue* of wool or linen mixed with ailk    2,134                     M
         Silk clothing* .   •        277     385
         Ttrn for L'iloring •   •  12,025   6,145              22       15
          Eape*, cord* and string*  1,110    410      400      27      18     28-9
          Vued and oiled doth   .    101              690       1             10-4
          Hoobj eye*, needle*. pin*, etc.            1.116                     4-6
          Photographic accessories                    612                      1-8
          Wing wax .   .                              62                       0-6
          Eoetwtie*, pomade, waxes                    432                     10-8
          ftble iOtct                                 763                      2-0
          faoker*’ rajniaite .                      17480                     •7-8
          QSoefuriutsre .           2435    4401     24)18     1       90      60
          T,J3et *rtid«* .   -                       1428                      2*0
          ^telling mjuiaita .                         81     i:                O-l
                                    «■                140
          r***® Jewellery .   .                       632                      oo
          ^ and rilnr articles       742    1455             • •
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