Page 286 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 286

                                           TABLE NO. 2 “A."
                Principal Imports into BuifiLre from all sources during the years 1920-21, 1921-22 and 1922-23.

                                                 V»lop,                   Wright.
                                        1920-21.  182122  192223.  1920-21.  1921-22.
                                           £       £       £      Ton*.    Tons.  Tons.
              AlcohoDc perfume                              999                      11
              Liqueur ....                                  132                      01
              Spirits of all kinida       5,877   3,420    1,724     24       ie
              Sparkling and nr/asparkling wine   2.1 to  230  440    12       2      27
              Dcaiert wince .                               401                      1-7
              Beer, Cider, Vincgtr, etc. .   3,981  905     555      73       13     9-2
              Matches ....                24,930   1,429   4,940    372       13    50-7
               Donkeys ....                993      G57     254   So. SO   So. 50  Nu :$
              Oxen, Cows, etc.             139      15             „ 29       2
              Guns, Biflea and Revolver*.  344      111     330                    r. H
               Fire wood                  3.558    1,458   1,200    C99      611    4T«
               Wood sot worked            5,607    4,211   2,925    335      620   3144
               Worked wood .               652     1,018    701      24       30    15*5
               Caudles .                  9,072   12,362   8,COO    108      152    i:>
               Guttapercha CaJcubes        097     4,009   2.4S8
               Tyres and Cove** for Cara and Cycle*        4,426                    1M
               Coal and Charcoal .   .   .  8,394  1,514   2,756    558      314   355-3
               Cement .                    999      538    1,327     63      30     L3
               Brick                                       2,800
               Butter sad Margarine       3,219    2,802   1,022     14      21     22
               Cocoa and Chocolate         628      225     443       1             15
               Codec                       209      237     359       1       2     >7
               Bice husked                91,705  63,351  30,250   3,109    3,302  1^ .
               Wheat                      4305    10,733   1,040    176      683    J2
               Barley sad Oats            17,517   6.622    444    1,095     382    a
               Grains, others .           6.771     311             175      116
               Edible Flour •             06.918  26,244   6,812   2306     1334
               Macaroni .                  609      287     246       3       2
               Biscnets •                  1,158    652     398       6       3
                                            173     78
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