Page 282 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 282


                                             Donkey*.          Camel*.         Mule*.
                      Month* (PcnUnV
                                         1921 22.  1922-23.  1921-22.  1922-23.  1921-22.
                l*t Month                  2.453   2,055    1,324    2.259   2.154   1.023
                                           3,430    1.455   1,035    1.100   1,403
                2nd ..                                                               1/41
                3rd                        2.300    1.018    915      701    2.471   2^71
                4th                         901     1,880   1,055     03     1,043   2.111
                Oth „                      2.529   1,121     985     291     2,392   l.CTJ
                6th .                      1.331   2.277    1.049     131    1,479   2.157
                7th -                      2.578   3.581     499      23     3,054   2.713
                8th M                      3,535   3,393    1,704     604    3,778   2.057
                9th -                      2,480   3,041     855      139    3,366   3^27
                10th                       1.508   3,701      29     370     2.441   2,844
                11th                       1,375   3.008      43     203     2,935   2/*5
                12th                       3.SG8   2,943    2,433    jojo    2,433   2,309

                                Total      28.9S2  29,474  11,939   7,172   28,959   27.887

                            Rates of Hire.
                 The andenn^ntionecl fgures rIow the average rate
               per ton for merchandise *ent to >li:ra7.:—     Articles.
                                                                            1921-22.  1972-3.
                              192>21.  1521-22.  1922-23.
                                                        O/ppcr                  6
                              £ #. d.  £ *. <f.   £ $. A.   Brass               15     -1
                  Mule .     I i !9 0 10 32 0  11 19 0   Iron .                 25
                  Donkey     II  17 0  10 10 0  11 17 0   Tar .                        3
                  Camrl      11 13 0 10 11 0  11 18 0   Indigo                  46     M
                                                        Tin                     5      a
                                                        Leather                 12|    L71
                                                        Candle*                16S*   m
                  Amount of llerchandve dcspaichcd up-country.  Kerosene Ofl   5(0    *4
                                                        Government store*              4
                                                        Bice .                2^68     71
                                                        Flour                   12
                                                        Barley                  40     14
                       Article*.                        Poatal parcels          30     *
                                                        Petrol                         »4
                                      1921-22.  1922-21  Panes of glass                3
                                                        Drugs and medicine*     49     19 9
                  Crystal Sugar                        - Soap .                        *
                  Loaf Sugar.                           Opium (returned)               2
                  Pirceigoods .                         Planks                         a
                  Tea .                                 Fish .
                  Spice*                                Syrup*
                  Haberdashery                          Telegraph material*    49
                  Yarn*                                 Wheat
                  Mate Sir*                             Date*
                  Block tin                                                  11,495  8p*
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