Page 285 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 285


                                      TABLE NO. 1*B."
                   statement of exports from Boshlre to all countries during the years 1920-21, 1921-22
                                         and 1922-23.

                                                   Increase in   Decrease in   Approximate r»-
                                                    1922-23   1922-23     CCtTMJE
              Countries-   1920-21.  1921-22.  1922-23.  compared   compared
                                                     with     with
                                                    1921-22.  1921-22.  1921-22-  1922-23.
                             £       £        £        £       £     Per cent.  Per cent.

                            89,687  08,527   83,120   19,593            1008     8 16
          C«iteJ Kin8dom *
                           245,009  195,016  216,088  21,072            28-68   20 07
          U>5» -
                             2,032   1,338    1,164             174     0-20     0-10
          0b*« .
          Jlc«pc4*®i» .     24,266   9,747    5,680            4,067    1-44     0-51

          feted States of America  10,519  3,064  10,420  7,356         045      090
          cieppore •        79,582                    • t

          H-agk^ng         363,135          330,000  330,000                    3055
          Csa* .            13,516  284,512  141,000         143,512    41-84    13415

         j L7P» •            9,929  84,620   72,290           12,330    12-44    6-68
          E;tr»hi           12,839   3.291   19,988   16,697            049      1-84

          Kroii              3,828    292     2,146   1,854             005      019
          fnoce .            1,763  10,790   19,258   8,408             1-58     1-78

          him .             27,310           23,500  23^00                       2-27
          Oder countries    7,510   13.283   15,129   1,848             1-92     1*40

          Ctraauy           7,383    3*865   4,397     532              057      0-40
          XiKat .             283    1.752            • •     • •       028

                            • •             130,000  130,000  • •               12-04

                Total      898,571  680,097  1,079,780  581,812   160,083  100  100
                                                  Increase in 1922-23 £401,435
   280   281   282   283   284   285   286   287   288   289   290