Page 284 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 284

                                          STATEMENT NO. 1 "A."
               Comparative statement of Imports into Bushire from all countries during the years 1920-21
                                               and 1922-23.                        *

                                                         Incrcane in   Decrease in   ArrnoxmiTe
                                                          1022-23   1022-23
                    Countries.   1920-21.  1021-2*.  1022-23.  compared   compared  CEXTiCE.
                                                           with     with
                                                          1021-22.  1021-22.  1021-22.  1022-21
                                   £        £       £       £        £     Per cent.  Per
                India ...        l,077,2ft<S  776,804  636/15      240/79    50-80   3«-n
                United Kingdom an   602,530  362/05  498,451   130.056       23 73
                 British Empire.                                                     itiS
               China .   •   .     40,753  37,234  11*590           23,670    2-44    os
                Oman .             3,642    2,232   5/26    3/94              0-15    on
                Mesopotamia.       28,623  10,422   2,447            6j976    068     on
                United States of America  33,477  6,082  8/32  1/30           0-45    <K1
                Switzerland .      2,826    2/20    3,863   1/43              0-16    OS
                Bahrain            10,138   6,753   2/04             4/59     0 45    OK
                Italy .            43,103  32,418  12/50            20,068    213     OK
                Japan .            26,708  19/50   16/00            3,059     1-28    I-l)
                Egypt .            65,990  31,786  16,400           15/80     208     1-&
                Franca .           23,010  44,127  103/17  59,790             2-88    7*1
                Kuwait             8,830    1/06    1,990    724              0-08   on
                Belgium            46,425  40,131  17/10            22,621    2-64    13
                Sweden             16/99     75     3,738   3,663                    OS
                Other Countries    12,648  16,110  30,055  14,845             105    22
                Indo-China ,       8/77
                Muscat .            892     2/93            • •               0-16
                Hongkong ,        139,286
                Java •            174,205  113/36  56,380           36,856    7-42   <C
                Germany            3.520   17/98   45,943  28/45              1*15   J!
                Zanzibar                     866     940      74              0-06   H
                Spain .                      202                              0-02
                Turkey.                      139    • •
                Austria.                    1/26    4,970   3,444             0-06   9?
                Monray                               700     700             • #     9*
                Holland                              550     550
                        Tor ax.  2,462,797  1/26/94  1/82,997  254/78  395/76  100
                                                        Decresaein 1922-23 £140,908
   279   280   281   282   283   284   285   286   287   288   289