Page 301 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 301
into the Port of Bushire from different countries during the year* 1921-22 and 1922-23
classified according to Persian Customs—con/d.
V Weight.
Article*. Countries.
1921-22. 1922-23. 1921-22. ISC2-23.
£ £ Tons. Tons.
Coiled Kingdom . 219 340 X 2-0
India . 429 157 3 1-5
pwrrre *od Jams .
Mesopotamia 2
Other Countries . 1 56 0-4
651 553 5 3-15
V, -ruble Oil—
,1) Table oil Coiled Kingdom . 0-4
India . 1.5G9 245 17 3-8
>JJ All others
•{ Other Countries . 75
1.C44 245 17 3-8
India . U5U 365 14 4-0
Izaed preserved milk .* United Kingdom . 143 1-4
Other Countries . 67
U78 508 14 5-10
(" India . 389 3
1 Other Countries . 05
Cxu'cctionery . United Kingdom . 247 2
701 5
India . 950 80
il) Fresh . Mesopotamia 317 21
Other Countries . 107 18 14 8
484 908 35 83
India . 4.162 1,900 245 136
(2) Dried .
•{ Mesopotamia 295 224
4J52 2,195 245 300
United Kingdom . 81 186 06 1-0
(7) Preserved in TUs • France 41 0-2
Other Countries 17 0-1
01 243 00 M2