Page 305 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 305
into the Port of Bu.htre from different wuntHei during theycar* 1921-22 and 1922-21
Iapo*1' clarified according to Per»ian Curtoma—contd.
Valu*. Wxiairr.
Article*. Coanlries.
1921-22. 1922-23. 1921-22. 1922-23.
£ £ Tons. Tons.
Codling' Germany 420 O-l
Franco 329 350 0-1
CJiinft . 1,296
Iidia . 1,023 6
(3) Silk tissue
Switzerland . 181
Jipan . , 115
Ualted Kingdom 38
Cfchcr Countries 5,191 225 2 01
8.172 995 7 0-3
Germany 2,124 300 0-2
Ttdy . . 11.181 3
Ciited Kingdom 9,108 3
4) Tissue of mixed rili and cotton India , 2,973 2
Fnace 2*411 1
Mesopotamia 61
Oticr Countries 6 42
27^04 402 9 0-2
United Kingdom 340 0-8
9) Bed linen India . 91 0 5
Oiler Countries 98 0-4
629 0-17
Indoa . 280 0-6
Pt Personal linen ■{
Japan . r 270 0-7
550 0-13
Japan . t 82 0-1
Inafia . # 64 62 0-1
Umbreflaa and SaasLadea
Fnsee # 24
: Other Countries . 160 O-J
82 294 0-6