Page 309 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 309

                         of Bushirc from different countries daring the year* 1921-22 and 1922-23
             (u into the Port
         Imp®              classified according to Persian Custom* conld.
                  Articles.           Countries.
                                                  1921-22.  1922-23.  1021-22.  1922-23

                                                     £        t     Tons.    Tona.
         Part Cotton  tissues—
                                 India .            5,327   22,400      4     210
                                 United Kingdom      772     1,000             4-0
                                 Franco               19      250             0-7
                                 Japan .             857                1
          (1) Cnbleachod .
                                 Germany            1,007               1
                                 United Staten        00
                                 Other Coantrica     232      83               0-4
                                                    8,324   23,733      6    214-16
                                 United Kingdom .           83,000           210
          (2) 2leached           India .                     8,150            25
                                 Other Countries *.           280              1-0
                                                            91,430           230-0

                                 United Kingdom .          283.000           630
                                 India .                   103.000           350
          (3) Dyed or Printed .  .*
                                 Mesopotamia                  750              1-9
                                 Other Countries .  .*        620              1-5
                                                           387,370          *82-14
                                 India .                   135,000           *00
                                 United Kingdom .           10,900            27
          (I) Manufactured from dyed thread-
                                 Italy .                      880             29
                                 Other Countries .            270             0*7

                                                           147.050          429-16
                                 United Kingdom .           3,200             6-4
                                 Indie .                     2,030             6-1
          (S) Wooeo Fanes
                                 Italy .                     1,110            2-1
                                 Belgium •   .      ..        660              1-5
                                                             7,000           14*11
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