Page 304 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 304


            Imports into the Port of Bushire from different countries during the years 1921-22and 1S22-2J
                               classified according to Persian Customs—con/J.
                                                          W CIO UT,
                      Article-..          Countries.
                                                       11)21-22.  1922.23.  1921-22.

                                                        £        £      Ton*.   To-
                                     India .            4,279    6,200     C8    117
                                     China .             4G9               8
                                     United Kingdom      103
              Pepper, Curry, Mustard
                                     Oman .               85
                                     Muscat               71               2
                                     Other Countries .   202      45       4      1 3
                                                        5,209    5.245     b3    \\>Z
                                     India .            2,bl7   3,000      30    5T
                                     China .                     2,700           01
                                     Oman .                      770             K*
              Xot specified
                                     Spain .             202
                                     Switzerland .        44
                                     Other Countries              45             fi-1
                                                        3,145   7,175      30   ic; ’
                                     United Kingdom    259,134  1,176     495
                                     Japan .              12    2,150            4
                                     India .           329,970  1,720     995
            Clrthing-                Germany                    1,690            1*
              (1) Cotton tiasue .    Mesopotamia        3,128              9
                                     Italy .            2,337              6
                                     Belgium             549               1
                                     France              485               1
                                     Other Countries     441     995       *     M
                                                       596,050  7,730    1,509
                                     United Kingdom    10,877    640       8
                                     India .   •        4,692    400       3     u
                                     United States       688
                                     France              231*
              (2) Pure wool tisane ,
                                     Germany                     190
                                     Italy .              18
                                     Switzerland          4
                                                                                 c I
                                     Other countries     297     190
                                                       18,707   1,320     11
   299   300   301   302   303   304   305   306   307   308   309