Page 303 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 303

            j^poxti in*0 the Port Biislure from differcnt^countriM during the^y rear$ 1921 <->22 and 1922-23

                                                         Valc*.           Weigxx.
                    Articles.           Coun tritv
                                                     1921-22.  1022-23.  1021-22.  1022-22.

                                                        £       £      Tea*.   Tons.

                                 I  China .                     310              4 1
           $«cctsacit (including iwccti pripared   United Kingdom .   172        1*7
                                 l  India .   .                 173              13
                                                                615              Oil

                                   China .                     8,000             33
            (I) Whte Tea           India .                     1,500             6-3
                                   Java ,                       500              2-fl
                                                              i 0,000           419

                                   India .            41,815  101,000    35    700
                                   United Kingdom .             532              1-8
            I?) Oitr Toa
           ;                       China .            4.553    1,000     17     11 3
                                   Other Countries .   144      520       1      22
                                                      46,512  103,052    <13   71413
                                   United Kingdom .    231      280
           !                                                              l    f 13
           ^•1 ud Jaqi (all kinds)  India .            665      111      12    r o-s
                                  Other Countries       26      93               0 8
                                                       922      484      13      116

                                  United Kingdom      5.727   11,100     77
                                  Cermany ,           2,021   4,650       7    £17*8
                                  France              1335    4,850      2      1*7
                                  India .             3,777   2,400      35    £40
            h2‘ not verified .
                                  Switzerland ,        923               1
                                  United States        110
                                  Japan .   ,          10
                                  Other Countries .    104    1,320             trl
            l                    I                   14,007  24,320      72   11*22

                                                                              o 2
   298   299   300   301   302   303   304   305   306   307   308