Page 269 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 269
TABLE No. 1-B—contJ.
Imports of Principal Articles during the yea rs 1932-31,1933-34 and 1934-35 coniJ.
Qcantiit. Valce.
<>> Auticles.
1932-33. 1933-34. 1934-37. 1032-33. 193331. 1934-35.
Dr Steamers—contdL Rs- IU P.s.
Textile —eon-td.
Hemp... rkg*. 8 KS
Twine . • • 25 £G 15 2,303 1,2.29 l/'Il
Art SEk piece g»*oda M 213 42.419
Jnri (Cold thread) ii 405 33,112
Tolaeco ind SmUiruj Requisite*.
CigARttC* . . Caers 30 39 77 9/>63 0.251 15.729
Tobacco 12J IOC 132 40.433 33.359 43.239
Cigarette paper W 7 8 2,265 3,021
CoH and ideer tcore.
Silver bars . . Tolas 16,0117 7.213
Imitation .silver . Ca-scs SO 2,314
njiklcs and Accessories.
Motor cars (old) . . Nos. 6 3,075
Motorcars . 5 5 8J90Q 7,2*'*0
Acctsoriu . . Pkgs. 01 MO 145 8—77 9,322 10,923
J / isceVaneous.
Mateles Cases 4-71 2£0 90 26.333 14.372 4.772
Staiitoc-ry , 15 6 29 1,716 726 2.4S1
Was paper . Pki 6s* 22 37 56 3.787 3,241 6211
Waste paper ft 71 •0-5 118 2.105 2,493 3-375
Perfuse Boxes 16 22 125 3.069 4.044 7.141
Soap . Cases 619 477 652 S.Oii 5,590 6.1S7
Candl-s ft
Leather shoes _ 7 3 1.313 i;m
Guru (Benjamin) . rki* S*- 113 US 116 5.918 7,119 6,501
Ktiartcrlwarc . 323 3K3 421 14.006 16,015 17.129
Glass ar;d Fiarthnavarc . t* 12 57 721 2^63
AlucrJniumwarc . . . . 99 4 3 15 1.011 1,031 4,636
Furniture . . . . 99 7 392
Cutlery . 99 6 32 12139 4.463
Building materials . 3.007 5HH 42 12.659 5,151 459
Box boards (shook*) . 99 2,GG2 4,S>:«9 3,977 7.125 18,703 21,235
Hides-and Lea t liters are . . . 99 3 145
Hardware . t* 342 212 4.435 9.C33 5,187 1V99
Metal.......................................................... 170 im 420 4,388 8,210 7,220
Machinery . . . . . ii 2^83
Tallow . tS n? 84 782
Lamjsrarc . . . . . Pkgs. 19 30 58 2,508 2,039 2.870
MukkaJ Instruments . 18 55 146 4.322 13,110 20,499
Cartoons . . . . . 10 UXO
Goa cylinder* .... Nos. 10 250
Miscellaneous goods with passengers 1,48.466 1.26,66! 55.530
Sewitcj machine* . . . . Case* C8 24 10 8*596 2,895 1.936
Non-clrctric fans . . 99 6
Canvaa shoes . . . . 35 40 54 1,875 3.412
Fish Kooks.............................................. 6
Sandal wood . . . . Bdls. 20 24 25 3.901 3,646
Agar dost . . • . . Bags 142 134 210 1233 1269
Mejith root* . . . . Pkga. 16
Watdbem............................................... 4 U*4
Cement . . • . . Bag* 8,243 11.326
Articles not specified Above . . 8,715 22416
Total Ixtoet by Steamers 23,26.605 19,09,922 22.WJ5I