Page 272 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
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                                             TABLE No, 1-C—con id.
                   Principal Articles and Countries from which imported during the years 1932-33, 1933-34 and

                                                       Quantity.              Vax.ce.
                ASTIO.ES ANj Cu UN TRIE* riJOJI WUSdJ lMru3lTU>.
                                                  10)2-33.  1033 31.  1031-33.  11*32-33.  103331.  1031-33.

                         By Steamers—covtd.                              n».    IU.    lt«.
               Wheat Hour —
                 India                       Tens    103    200     91   21,002  24.240  F.3I2
                 Persian C*alf                                       0                   670
                 France                                              5                   319
               Other Grains—
                 India                                23     31     37    4,ldi  4.S/r3  5,158
                 Pcr«ia                                1      7            240    72G
                 I't rrian Calf                                     23                  2.399
               Surar candy—
                 India                       Ot.     m                    14$3
                Other countries                              30     31            771    &•> 3
               Ss-ar KoU—
                India                                2G2                  4J323
                Other countries                            2,432   3,200        17,037  17.048
               5u«:ar loaf—
                Belgium .                                         3,023                4 3.'*31
                Cither couaitrics                   1.773   230     790  10,832  2,363  *,118
                India                        Pics.                   7                   203
                Singapore                                           300                 3.162
                India                                 73     81     100   3.471  2.003
                Oib**r countries                      13     21     42    13103   033   1.9*7
               Co Fee—
                Singapore                    Tons                   270               2/A932
                Africa                                03     30     04   61.832   K..03R  46.336
                Other countries                      2Vi    2G5      1  3,02.4 GO  2,41,901  G30
                India                        Kgs.    214     64     203   1.613   3*8   1.240
                Persia                                       04                   336
                Persian Gulf                                        13                    47
               Vegetable peroducti
                fhbor countries                       76    275     54    1.810  5,742   617
                India                                1*82  1,409    5S0  33.350  302)68  13,718
                Persia an«I Persian Gulf              44    100     434   1.714  52171  I3.»H5
                Other couaitxies                     013    344     870  17-887  iyi»  23,417
               Fa Fro  i
                Japan .   .                  Lbs.                   400                 3,669
                </thcr coomtrics                   • 400    000      3    5,206  10350   2S6
                Spain                                               200                 2,487
               Tin Provisions—
                India                        IlgL     €2     15     38    2J»09   711    793
                United Kirigdom                       21     38      9    1.738  2413   1.002
                Songajior*-   .                                     224                 J.H33
                Other countries                      209    259      9    3,054  6470    506
                Italy                                               430                 2434
                Other conotnei                       374    320          11431   3.403
                Persian Gulf .                                      130                 2408
                France .   .                 Gala.                  155                  300
                New York                     Pig*.                  85                  1,001
                Other couait/ios              m      100     28           1404    364
   267   268   269   270   271   272   273   274   275   276   277