Page 276 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 276


                                               TABLE No. 1-C—conlJ.
                    Principal Articles and Countries from winch imported during tie years 1932-33, 1933-34 and
                                                          Qr AMITY.              Vaut.
         anu Coi NTiurs mou whic h imtoktkp.                               S
                                                    1''32-33.  1933-34.  1954-3#.  1932.33.  1933-31.  1931-3*.

                                                                           15s.    P.v    15ft.

                           By Smarms-  :ouM.
                           _V if cc /An. < c-i a—contd.
                   India                       Cases           in      20            If/i   145
                   l'tuted Kingdom              »»     100     79     2UZ   1.970  1-20    2/>*6
                   Jnj-in                                      r 43    20          1/710    1*2
                   Km arc                                             2 If.                1.131
                   < Mk'.-r couutrir-s          Ft     313    2J3     103   0.114  2-7SS   12110
                 Bir.’.min (Gum,
                   Sir.Mj-ore                   99                    llti                 G.50I
                   Other countries                     113     J1S          o,918  7,319
                 En in' I wan
                  .Japan                       J*kgs.                 121                 17.129
                   (itit-r countnV-*            99     329    3C5          1-S.OCG  1G/»13
                 GU'i and Earthenware—
                   India                                               13                   719
                   •Jaj-an                                             44                  22270
                   Other count ri-s                     12                   721
                 Wan-*: AluruVJuro—
                   ln-!ia                               4       3      15   1,011   I-9S1  *,036
                   Inlia                                G              20   1,339          22! 10
                   OtJn-r countries                                    12
                   India                        99                     7                    392
                 Building matt-rials—
                   India                               107     51      32   2,189   l.OIG   309
                   United Kingdom               99    l/OO     5tt>         8,270  4.135
                   Other count r>-*             99    1,900            10   1,900           150
                 Box hoards (ihc/oLs)—
                   Persia                                      24                    938
                   Persian Culf                                        89                  2.304
                   Sweden                                            3£68                 18,931
                   Other countries              99    2,002  4.763          7,125  17,825
                 Hide* and Leatherwan
                   India                        99                     1                    241
                   Africa .   .                                        2                   1,023
                   India .   .                          GG     212    305   2,242  5,187   8.232
                   Germany .   .                99                   4,100                 4/sS6
                   Other countries              99     276             30   7,391           4S1
                   India •   ,                  99     170     26           4488    M7»
                   Singapore                    99                    420                  7420
                   Otlu-r countries                            43                  6431
                   India .   ,                  99       6                   G80
                   Other countries                       5                  1,703
                   India .   • ,                99                     84                   782
                 Lamp ware—
                   Germany .   ,                99             30      48          2.039   1423
                   Other countries                      19             10   2,508          1.047
   271   272   273   274   275   276   277   278   279   280   281