Page 277 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 277
TABLE No. 1-C—conid.
Principal Articles and Countries from which imported during the years 1932-33, 1933-34 and
Quantity. Value.
Q'jiti jlicd Countries max ■waicii imiokted.
1032-33. 1033-34. 1031-35. 1032-33. 1933-34. 1931-35.
Rs. Kl Bs.
By Ste wants-—
JU iscetlancoui- :omcld.
M urical Instruments—
United Kingdom . . Pkgs. 18 36 .76 4 Z22 10,113 17,373
India ..... 8 89 1.822 3.050
Japan ..... 8 1 8.70 67
Other countries tf 3 325
C'rmnriV ..... ft 10 1,200
Gas cylinders—
India ..... Nos. 10 250
Sowing niatliiLts—
Persia ..... Pkgs. C2 9 8,101 675
Persian CJulf . 10 1,936
Other countries V* 6 15 495 2,220
Xon-clectri-.- Jana-
United Kingdom 6 2,520
Canvas ehot-A—
Japan ..... 40 54 1,875 3.412
Other countries 35 2,617
leather «boe*—
India ..... 7 1,313
Fi.-b hooks—
Other countries ... M 6 2,609
India ..... Bdla. 20 24 25 3,124 3,901 3.616
Agar Past—
India ..... Bags 142 134 210 2,038 2,233 2,959
Majith root—
I’crtia ..... - rkSs. 16 1,009
Wale be*—
Switzerland .... Parcels 3 959
Japan ..... 1 125
Japan ..... Bags 8,243 11,328
Miscellaneous good* uitli passrngtn—
India ’..... 30,015 89,905 36.160
Persia ..... 41.8C0 36,756
Persian Cuir .... 19,370
India ..... 67.113
Other countries . . 9,488
Articles nca q>ecified above—
India ..... Pkgs. 185 39 4,921 21,799
Persia ..... 67 238 2,918
Other countries ... r* 9 76 1,539 962
Total re Steauks 23^0,005 19,09,922 22.19,161