Page 273 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 273

                                      TABLE No. 1-C—conlA.
            Principal Articles and Countries from which imported during the years 1932-33, 1033-34 and
                                         1934-35—cant A.

                                                  Quantity.              Valce.
                                           1032 33. | 1033-31.  1031.33.  1032 53.   1033 31. j 1034 33.

                                                                  Hs.    Ra.    Rh.
                  Dr SiiaMEM—canid.
         Choc—                                                2                    94
          India .   •                 Case*                                      2,743
          Pcmr.Galf .                  ff                    100
         Wine* aol Spirit*—                                        4,108  2,007  1.430
          India                      . Cals.  282    170     225                I8.5M
          United Kingdom               M     2,020  l.CCI  2.293  30,747  31,929  .1.037
          Germany .                    ft                   1.015  8,810  10,835  3.063
          Other countries              ft     800   1,204   249
         Fish oil—                                                              12,562
          Japan                      . Gal-.               3,180
         KcroM-nc oil—                                                          3G.C3C
          Persia                       t»   88,000  8S.000  78,190  58,000  51,102
         Petrol —                                                 15,348  12,6 W  16.S57
          Persia                            13,150  12,930  17,000
         Lubricalng oil—                                                         1,577
          Persia                              750   2,520   700    1,534  1,170
          India                                                     310
          Other countries              ft     150
         Oil of ail Linds—                                               30,128
          India                       Casts  21,334  20,080  19,90)  35,018     312>»
          Persia                       t»    4,312                7,32“
         Groundnuts—                                                             1,135
          India                       Dag3           12G                   910
                  Pa inis. Colours and Dyes.
         Dry Cobur—                                                               62)
          Unite! Kingdom.            . Casts          10     10           1,012
          India                        ft      27     17     33   3,977   2,503  s,e»
          Gemnny .                                    10      6           1,358
          India                       Pkgs.                                       401
         Warns—                                                           7,658  13,611
          Aden                                 64     35     Cl   12,430
                    Jitdicines and Drugs.
         Medicines—                                                       5,201  2,02*
          India                       Pkgs.    79    101    113           6,030
          Persia                               58     73                          IS*
          OthtT countries              ft      10     5      2            U40
         Opium—                                                           6,719  2.43*
          Persia   .   .              Lbs.    135    255     70   3,800
         Attarcc—                                                                4.39*
          India   .   •               PkgSL                 134
          Persisn Gulf                 •f                    64                  4.105
          OtLit countries              ff                    59                  5,021
         Hospital Stores—
          New York                     ff    • •             9                   IJM2
          Other countries                    • •     122                  3420
                     Textile fabric.
         Cotton foods—
          China                      •PkS*-                 241                 27,06*
          India ,                      m      664    367    375  1,72,966  1,17,674  1.17A»
          United Kingdoi               9*      95     GO     79   43,763  28,190  36^U
   268   269   270   271   272   273   274   275   276   277   278