Page 270 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 270


                                             TABLE No. 1-B—conld.
                        Imports of Principal Articles during the years 1932-33, 1933-34 and 1934-35—coaid.

                                                         Quantity.             Valve.
                                                  1932-33.  193331.  1931-33.  1932-33.  1933-34.  1931-3 f

                                                                         Its.   Its.   P.*.
                          Dr Sailing Vessels.
                Rice .                       Tons   5,715  5.7$ I  7.733  6.S1.299  G.IS0I9  9.11.286
                Wheat                                217    303    237   34.**02  37.417  22.875
                Wheat flour                   ft     530    701    £25   09,191  79,009  M.K56
                Pulse .                       ft                    37                  .1.1.VI
                Other grains                         133    1C9    139   13.757  1 ".387  10.93*
                fvuls .                     ! pkgs.  3*J5         1.>H»   1.93$         3.670
                Wheat Bran                                         26$                  1.293
                Sugar soft .                . Cwi.   18.093  12,712  13,022  1.24.993  7>,372  72.390
                •Jaqgcry                    . I'kgs.                23                   331
                Tea .                                 33     3      52    C2S     130   l.SM
                Coffee .                    . Tons    10     3      31    6.973  2.328  1.002
                Ghee .                      . Cases   212   4S2    24G    5.453  11.272  7.339
                Vegetables -                . Pkgs.  115     51    110    1.178   COS    G32
                fruits .                                            31                   3*1
                Groundnuts .                . Bacs          238     83           1.239   422
                Dates .                     . Tons    37    1SS    144   3.309  13.743   1.495
                Spiros .                    . Pkgs.  2.150  1,499  1.142  3“-292  W    18.91 S
                Vermicelli -                         111    CIO    479     732   3.037   2.1 OS
                Starch                                      133     52           1.073   COO
               Tin provisions                         62                  1,010
                Kerosene oil                . Cals.               12.972                C.633
               F5«h oil                     . Tins   1.932  1.7S3  2.959  5.9.16  5.805  6.009
               Oils of all kici-Js .        . Gals.  8,500  14,914  19.961  19,276  24,061  14,995
                         Point, Dytt and Colours.
               Paints                        rkgs.                  14                   182
                Wares (ochre)                                1      19            264   2^91
               Coal tar                      Tins                    6                    33
               Dry colour -                  Cases
               Cotton poods                . Pkgs.    46    238    297   9,596  31,540  22,611
               Twist and yam .                ff      8             21    1.035          312
               Cotton * .
               Haberdashery .                 ff     141    151           4.355  5.670
               Carpets .   .                          6              1     310            7
               Sail doth .                    ft             15      2           1,832   426
               Canny bags .                   ff     619    577    479   27.975  36,915  25,842
               Hemp ...                       ff    1,342  1,119   324   13.558  17,640  5,388
               Twine •   •                                   14     12            922    549
               Wool .                                               27            400
               Silk                                          1                          t •
                         Medicines and Dntfs.
               Medicines •                 . Pkgs.   220                  13$6          t*
               Drugs . •                             612                 2,698          6,815
               Attaree   •                    **            424    908           2,980
                      T'J/itco and SmoLinf Eeqvuites.
               Cigarette*                    Pkgs.    10     3            680     352   "*147
               Tobacco                        ff      79             7    1,993  1,430   647
               Snuff •                                       16      9
   265   266   267   268   269   270   271   272   273   274   275