Page 463 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 463

                                                                                           I •

             Statement showing the principal articles and the countries to which they were exported during
                                       the year 1942-43—contd.

                                             By steamers.  By failing tos-cU.  Total
             Article^ and countries to vhich exported.          !
                                          !  No. of | Value.   No. of I Value.   No. «f  Value.
                                            I*g«.  >       P*3»-   !      Pk^- 1
          Fi. hr* and Fith l*rc,intfs—contd.
           Iraq                       . Bag                   1      75      1      75
          Salted fish—                    i
           India                      . pk£«   70    1.300  31.531  3.15.242   31/101  3.K/12
           Africa                                            330    1/46    330   I.W*i
           ( nlurnbo                  * "  !  2,837  37.670                2/i37  37.670
                                      • *»  •
           Gulf                       . .. i   17     320                    17    320
          Sardines dry—                   :
           India                      . Bdfs.  3.980  83,800 \   11,918  !  1.52/44  154K4  2.36,041
           Ad'in                                             <y o   G>1*>   6U1   «.iyo
           Gulf                                              205 i   553    205    5.13
          Shaiklins.—                                           I
           India                      . BdU.  i               u!     280     11    280
          31. I*. O. Shells—
           Gulf                        Ca-e*                  64!    :S8     64     58
           India                      . .. ;    29    455     33             62   1.455
           Iraq                         »»      1      45                    1      45
          Other articles—                 c
           Gulf                       . pkgs. I              853   2/02     853   2/02
           India                        99                     5     82      6      82
          Pruitt-Fnth & Dry.
          Dry dates—
           India                    . Bag"»  54,078  10.75,046 | 1,10.047  19,77.188  1.64,125  30.52.S35
          Wet dates—                      (
           India                    . 51/bags   6,MS   2,07,974  31,139  3.84.741  37,987  5,92,7! 3
                                    . box«s   1,318  55.070 i              1.51b  53/GO
           Cu’lf                    . 31/ bag* [         i  28,9*3  1,44.788  28.983  1,44.7:9
           Iran                                          i   249    1,115   249   1.M5
           Aden                                          I  3,073  56.25*  5,673  66/58
           Yemen                                            8.020  1,14/lS  8/120  1.14/18
           Africa                                           3,826  53,764  3/*26  51.7r4
           Colombo     9                      4,704  1,67,270              «.7<*  1,67/70
  :        I lid a .                 . Crntos  391   0,827   200    3/03    597   10.732
          Limes fresh A dry—                                      i
           Gulf .                   . BdU.               I  1.323   1,61,642  1/23
           Iraq                                          !   1KI3 !   93.016  903
           Ir.n    .                   • 9    58    6,450   1,104 ! 1,40.676   1.162 ! 1,47.176
           India .                                           579 6N.OOO     579   68.OU0
          Other fruits, fresh k dry—
           Gulf                       BdU.                   106     87S    106    679
          Mochxmcrj amd Fartm.                                                             I
          Motor car accessories
           India                     . Case                    1     3 *      I     32
          MrdUinea, Dr mgr & Cltmirai Product*.
           Gulf.................................................  Cases  2  64  2   64
           Yenicn                    . Bags                    9     305     9     2*5
           Gulf                                               23     560     23    SCO
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