Page 466 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 466


              Statement showing the principal articles and tbs couatric-s co which they were exported daring
                                       the year 1912-43—coutd.

                                              IJjr summer*.  lJy filing
             Article* and countrk* to which exported.
                                           !  Sr*, of  Value.  X'*. °f  l  Value.  Xo. of   Value.
                                        __I pha*           pV1- !         I**"-
          Stint 4- J.'or/iirr-au—contd.
           JthiT articK-fl—
            Guti ....                  Bd&a,                  16 I   757    10     757
          £>//.ri:» 4- H'iw,
          CmIht •piiita—
            Gulf ....                  Cai-ca                  3     125           125
           Static aery.                                         i
            India ....               Number      1    100                    t     100
           Turtilt Falrin.                               I
            G-lf ....                  Bdla.             i     5     100 ;   5     100
           Guiu.v tiagi
            Gulf .                     Bdla.                  35   3.030 .  35    3,050
           lf«BSp—                                                   250 i   0
            A'Ji’U .                   Bella.                  6                   250
           Jute- twice—
            Gulf .                     BJi*                    5    1,200    5    1,200
           C. 1*. Coods—                                     2$4            207
            Gulf .                     Kala.    13  .   P.200 ;  11   2.51,520 :  25   2.6%726
            Afiica .                   Cast*    14   .  17,220 j  5,5.5          22,. 0.7
            Iraq .                     BdK                    22   21,050   22 •   21,050
            ic-mc-n .                                          2     135 :   2     155
           • Iran                                              2     175 i :  2    175
           Oth-jt articli
            Gulf .                     Bdla.             !    30   2,5s0    30    2.5SO
           T»j>1 L Yam-                                                f
            Gulf .   .   .   .                                10   6,240    10 .  6,240
            Yemen.............................................  2    70      2 i
           Tobacco & Smoking Requisite*—                               :
               Gulf   .   .   .   .    Com*     33 {   16,500  62  17,015   95   33,515
           Cigarette* paper—                                           .      i
            Gulf .                     Bdla                   10   7,050    iO :  7,030
           Tobacco—                                                           l
            Gulf .                     Jidla    39   7,370   701   19.G4*   740 •  20,978
                                                                             2 ;
            Iras                                               2     20
            Iraq _ .                    99                    94   1,0 JO   94;   l.fcw
           Toilrt BtrfvitiUs.                                                 :
           Soap bar—                                                               •w»
            Gulf .                     Cut*                    8    680      8 • i
           Toile t acap—                                                     *1
            Gulf .                     Can*                    3     140;          140
           Other article#— •
            Gull .                     Cun                     7 :   82      7     M2
           IVptfcM*.                                            :
           Yrcah eefrtahl#—
           Off .                       Bdla.    20    350      7 '   80     27     430
           J/t-cuVeacctia                                       :
           /rjnaal bone*—                                              i      i
            India   •                . Bdla.                1.450  7,260  !  MW | i  7,25*
           iAfctc lenvi
            India                      Bdla,                1,116   735 i   Ml* |   035
            Tatq                                             382    3 SO \  382 !  3s**
           Jianj/ty drum#—
          - *1*1 ia .                Xnmbera    85   1,004   461   8,592 .  »!!  v.r>M
            lian                                AH    5b0              <    68
           Tmyiy tin*—                                             4,135 ,   117  4,135
            tndia .    •»            . Bdla.      I          147            47;   <vn
            Iran •                      r.      47 ,  600  i        IW '    25     100
            Y'ir« n •                                         25              l
                                                  l      I             1

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