Page 467 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 467
Statement showing the principal articles and the countries to which they were exported daring
the year 1942-43-concld.
By Steamer*. By Sailing vesark. Total.
Article* and countries to which export* d.
No. of Value. No. of Valoe. No. of Value.
1*8* i*g»- pkga.
—conld. ;
Firewood k C. Coal- i
Gulf . I*8*« i 6.884 | i 35.790 0.8S4 35,780
Iraq : 7,107 ; 40/CI 6.107 4*031
Aden ... »• 6,135 ' 9,<04 5,135 >,904
India . . 100 ! 300 100 300
Gas cylinders—
India ... Numbers 7 140 j 950 18 1.090
Glassware— 11 i
Gulf . pkjrA. 10 300 1,125 21 1,429
India . . 28 j 200 29 200
Iraq • 9 .. •• 130 1 160
Goat l.air/: wool — ‘i
India . . . BdLs. 63 0,708 I 369 ] 32,207 422 40.919
Gulf . Casco r 3 709 3 700
^latches— i
Gulf . Cases 10 1,000 12 ; I.too 22 3*500
Iraq ... 49J 21.(00 49 21,050
Telegraph instrument*—
India ... c;s 700 6 700
Iraq . .. 330 6 330
Aden ... • 9 ?! 125 I 129
Gulf . • , Bdls I 352 ; 997 332 997
Tallow— f
Gulf - Tin* i If • 120 11 120
i :
Return c! shipping which entered and chared in the Foreign Trade on the poit during the year
ENTERED. cleared.
With cargo. In ballast. Total. With cargo. In ballast. Tota!.
j f? r J & ■ i i 4
! i e 8 i i § m s C i i I I
l j * u > 8 £ l H l H > H > £
O o *5 O o e o I = 'Z
! c
& & Z 0 55 6 Z o' Z 9 7 o & 7 55 ) ’/C Z 9
44 jj 3,173 15 1,148 69 4421 35 * 24*1 24 1,7 80 3# I 4421
Arab 127 : 7.865 129 8,708 256 16,573 218 !lX999 34 2,674 256 114,573
i C2 ! 2,501
Iran 9 32 S1487 30 1,104 62 2,601 43 1.606 1* 835
Total Ktt 12.435 174 10,9(30 177 23,395 290 18406 { 81 5,189 377 23,395