Page 467 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 467


            Statement showing the principal articles and the countries to which they were exported daring
                                     the year 1942-43-concld.

                                             By Steamer*.  By Sailing vesark.  Total.
            Article* and countries to which export* d.
                                           No. of  Value.  No. of   Valoe.  No. of   Value.
                                            1*8*          i*g»-         pkga.
                 —conld.                                       ;
         Firewood k C. Coal-                                   i
          Gulf .                     I*8*«             i   6.884 |  i  35.790  0.8S4  35,780
          Iraq                                         :   7,107 ;   40/CI  6.107  4*031
          Aden ...                     »•                  6,135 '   9,<04  5,135  >,904
          India .                                      .    100 !   300   100    300
         Gas cylinders—
          India ...                 Numbers    7     140 j         950     18   1.090
         Glassware—                                         11 i
          Gulf .                     pkjrA.   10     300          1,125    21   1,429
          India .   .                                       28 j   200     29    200
          Iraq                         • 9   .. ••                 130      1    160
         Goat l.air/: wool —                                 ‘i
          India .   .   .            BdLs.    63    0,708 I  369 ]  32,207  422  40.919
          Gulf .                     Casco             r     3     709     3     700
         ^latches—                       i
          Gulf .                     Cases    10    1,000   12 ;  I.too    22   3*500
          Iraq ...                                          49J  21.(00    49  21,050
         Telegraph instrument*—
          India ...                   c;s            700                   6     700
          Iraq .                      ..             330                   6     330
          Aden ...                    • 9      ?!    125      I                  129
          Gulf .   •   ,             Bdls              I   352 ;   997    332    997
         Tallow—                                       f
          Gulf -                     Tin*              i    If •   120     11    120
                                                i             :
                                         PART m-TAILE (!).
            Return c! shipping which entered and chared in the Foreign Trade on the poit during the year
                                       ENTERED.                   cleared.
                               With cargo.  In ballast.  Total.  With cargo.  In ballast.  Tota!.
                                  j f?                r   J    &   ■        i i 4
                               ! i e 8  i        i    §   m    s C  i   i   I    I
                                l j *   u > 8  £  l  H    l   H    >    H    >   £
                                O o         *5   O    o            e    o  I  =  'Z
                                                                           ! c
                               &    &   Z 0  55 6  Z o'  Z 9  7 o  &  7  55  ) ’/C  Z 9
                                44 jj 3,173   15  1,148  69 4421   35 * 24*1   24  1,7 80   3# I 4421
        Arab                   127 : 7.865  129  8,708  256 16,573  218 !lX999  34  2,674  256 114,573
                                  i                                          C2 ! 2,501
        Iran         9          32 S1487  30  1,104  62  2,601  43 1.606  1*  835
                      Total    Ktt 12.435  174 10,9(30  177 23,395  290 18406 {   81 5,189  377 23,395
   462   463   464   465   466   467   468   469