Page 464 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 464


             Statement showing the principal articles and the countries to which they were exported during
                                        the year 1942-43—conid.

                                             By steamers.  By »ai ling vessel*.  Total.
              .\rticlri and countries to which exported.
                                            No. of   Value.  Xo. of   Value.  No. of  1  V,i lue.
                                             l^g*.         1 •***•       1-kg*.   •
          MoUci»u Dfutjt <1* Cht mi oil Pfvd **ts —contd.
          AtUri Jt local herbal modioinea—
           Gulf....................................................................  Bdla,  84  8.3G3 !   84  8.303
           India .......                        0     490     31   1.140 |   37 ' i  1,030
           Iraq....................................................................  • •  si  1.3-Jd j   21  1.500
            Yemen ......                                      7     1*00 |   7 ‘   2tKl
          Gum bcnjamlne—
           Iraq                       Cant*                    1    300      1 !   300
            Gulf                                              0    3,0*)     9 I  3,IKK)
          Gum arabic—
            India                      Bag*                  203   3.845   203   3.843
            Gulf .                      M                     50   1,753 j  50 1  1,753
                                                              02   2,900    02   2.900
           li q
          Henna leaves—                                                       i
           Gulf .                     Bdl*                    2      U0     2 1    50
          Mivlirinta alopalhic—                                               :     i- - :
           Iraq   .   .   •         . Cafes    12    2.»5     7     305     19   2.620 •
           India   .   •            . Pkg*.                   25    774     25!    774
           Gulf                       Case                    1      70      1 i   70
          Mtlal * Uardwc.
           Gulf .                   . Casta                   12   2.342    12 j 2,342
           India .                     Bdla.    1    1.3n0                   1 I 1,500
           Gulf .                       •0     65  1,80,400   61  1.63,700  lib j 3,49,100
           Gulf                       Parcel                  1      60      1     60
           India .                    Bdla.                  136   2,876   136    2,876
           Gulf .                                             8     600 r    8     060
          Specie*. Indian Rupee*—
           India    .   . I           Bdla.                   14  66,504  I  14  66,504
           Gulf                                21   42,400    6    10,0o0   2b   52,400
          Specie*, Iranian Rial*—
           India .   -   0 8          Bdla.                   2   11,913 |   2   11,912
           Gulf                         •f                    1      00      1     60
          Other art ill
           India .                     Bdla.    1     230    130    4)0     14     640
           Gulf                                               32   2,0 JO   32    2,010
          Lubricating oil—
           V»-«a .                   Brunt                    22    735     32     73ft
           Gulf .                                             48    076     48     676
           Iran                       Tin*     187    •67   • •            187    607
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