Page 113 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 113
Wee observe what you write about Tockerscys rofusall to make good y A
united stooke9 demand. According to yo_L desire weo doe now confirme their
said demand, & you would have dono well to have lot us kuowne what answer
ho made you, & what he hath to say in his owne vindication, for it is not
onougb barely to deny, but lie ought to give in answer to every article, w~
if ho hath not done you will doe well to press him unto it, that these worthy
gentlemen concerned may bo vA better sattisfyed with yA proceeding.
M-~- Samuell Carleton Ohyrurgeon hath made his applications to us for Leave and vrage« of
Surgeon Carleton.
seviL months pay due to him, w°* he sayth was retained by you upon y A
apprehensions of some unkindnesse you thought good to conceive against him
as if be wer9 a sider or partaker in the irregularities of CapJL Young of w£l
he declares himsolf totally innocent; & that he hath and ever had a true
honour & respect for you & to y A utmost of his power did serve you in
yoJL voyage outward bound and since in your dangorous sickness, & never
■was wanting to doe his duty in obodionoe to such commands as you thought
good to lay upon him. He much laments his hard fortune y.L notwithstanding
all his labours and services you should take soe severe a displeasure against
him; he hath therefore desired us to intercede with you that he may againo be
readmitted into yoAfavour and yA Companys service there, for w^L he was
appointed by yA Comp!8 generall order at 50 Ra per month as appeares by
the clauses of their GenJL letters herewith sent you. Now seeing that yA said
Doctor Carleton doth soe earnestly desire yoA excuse for what is past, &
doth solemnly promise to behave himselfe to yoA consent hereafter, and seeing
the Comp A have continued him in their service, and that he was choseu for
yoJL factory, and that noe other Ohyrurgeon can be procured, wee have
thought good to recommend him againe unto you, and desire that you would
receive him into yA Compel service, and make good his wages to him from
yJL time of his first entrance at 50 Itper month ; for during yA time of his
continuance hero he hath been always serviceable either in Surat, Bombay or
Rajapore ; for to such persons who have noe lively hood to depend upon but
their wages it is not allowable by Law or Justice to dotaine them from it pro
vided they doe performe their dutyes to yA best of their abilities of yA failure
whereof wee doe not remember that ever you complained; and as to other
faylings or indiscreet beats it will become yoA prudence & charity on his
submission to passe them by, w£k alsoe wee shall take kindly from you if you
receive him affectionately into yoJL favour upon oJL recommendation.
In a former letter wee advised you y±- in obedience to yA Compel express Appointment of
orders wee have appointed M-L James Adames toassistassecondintheirAdama3aecond-
Pfactory of Persia who now takes his passage on ship "Returne,” and wee
desire you to receive him in said quality & to deliver the Comp!8 bookes unto
him; wee have alsoe appointed MJL Samuell Darnelly to be third, and would
have MJL James Adames and him to sign© the GenlL letters and have cogni
zance of all their affaires it being their express© order, and seeing there -will
offer little businesse in Persia this yeare & yA ship “ Returne ” being bound
to Bussorah with ffreight goods and will require an able person for yJL man-
nadgement of yA affaire wee have thought good to appoint MJL James Adames
for that service & at his returne from Bussorah to stay at Gombroone as before.
We desire you to furnish him with all things necessary for his voyage and stay
at Bussorah with bridle and sadle, semeanoes, canatts, what disbursements are
made thereon must be charged to yA ships acco-A.
2678 F D.