Page 116 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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into those provinces of Persia where in that commodity is most plentifully
Concerning which you will bo farther instructed by our President and Couucill
of Suratt.
Send us noe black Carmenia Wool except you can buy it cheaper at least
twenty per oent. there being loss by it as there is by most of the commodities
now reed, from you of which as those few particulars by which there is some
gain you shall have hereafter a punctuall accot.
To—The WoreplI. Edward Owen, Agent of Persia for affaires of the U. M. Compa., etc.
Councell at Gorabroone.
Having ye. opportunity by a Dutch ship, yt. put in here for water, etc.,
Provisions, & bound for yoA Port, coming from Battavia these are chiefly to
advise yA yA ship Tavistoake Capt. Martin belonging to our R. E. M.
Imported wlA ue ye. 12th inst., and brought yA good news with ye. Act of
ParliamA for ye. establishing our Masters a separate and distinct Compa.
from the New, we believe to be such a blow to ym. yt. they will hardly reco
ver it, & suppose will likewise assuage ye. fury & rash proceedings of ye,
Agents in India and Mangre(sio) all ye. evill designs against our R. H. M. which
God grant the Govt, of Surat not permitting us to ship off our goods, &
putting a stop to trade on accot. Husson Amudons derail for satisfaction for
his ship & goods taken by ye. pyrates 3 years since, as came from Mooho,
his Excy. hath thought it convenient to goe to Surat Riv®£ mouth if possible to
accomodate matters wA said Govt, which hope may be effected & accord
ingly toe his passage on the Tavistoake ye. 19th inst. to whom wish all
health, & prosperity and yJL’his undertakings may be crowned w1Jl lionorr
& good success hedesignes from thence to dispatch a small vessell to yo. which
may arrive as soone as these wee add not more at presA but yt. wee are.
Yor. Worsp’s, etc., affectionate
ffriends humble Servts.,
Bombay Castle;
Novr. ye. 28th 1700.
To—The Worspll. Edward Owen, Agent for Persia for affaires of the R. M. Compn., eto.
Councell at Gorabroone.
The inclosed is coppy of our last by a Dutch ship who sailed hence from
yor. Port ye. 28th past month wee have little to add more yn. yt. ye. Goods of
Suratt as per last advices ynce. under ye. 29^.- past continue very obstinate in
ye. unjust demands for satisfaction to be made yt. villains Husson Amudon
even to ye. stop of all trade, provisions, etc., & ye. opening of all letters yt
oan lay yA hands on, having ym. read by Bowoher & our Abder Gerries ye.
aervr. of the New Compa. but hope it will be of no long continuance.