Page 115 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 115
Wee bad onoo contracted a bargaine with some Armenians here for all
y_®_ Compii perpotuannacs to bo delivered in Gombroone free of all charges,
but since they have broke off woe desire you to satisfy us whether they are in
request in Persia and whether you would have us send you any, & upon rec-L
thoreof woe shall supply you with what quantities, & colours you desire.
The enclosed GeniL to Honokl? Company wee desire you after porusali
to send forward to yS- Consull of Alleppo, together with y4- list of Europe
commodities vendable hero, commending them to his particulcr care for further-
anco ; soe committing you to yJL Almighties protection wee remaine.
Yo-V very Affectionate Efreinds,
Swally Marine ;
yJL 7*± Jprill 1676.
The Court to the Agent and Council'in Persia, dated London, 30th September 1684.
The last wee bad from you is the 27th EebJL overland in which you doe
more explicitly tell us what the substance of the Ettamon Dowlette’s proposi
tion was which we doe fully close with and have sent your letter to us unto our
President and Councill of Surat with our order to imploy ships in that service
but it must be their and your care to gett such a phirmaund from the King of
Persia shall compell the merchants to load upon no other ships and agree such
a freight as may make us competent gainers, and you may assure the Ettamon Employment of
Eowlett that upon those terms wee will yearly furnish that trade with such a
number of good ships as shall constantly and fully supply it how considerable
soever it prove to be.
Wee are the forwarder in this affair because it is high nationall and would
tend very much to the Honour of our King and nation as well as the security
of our trade if a good number of brave English ships more constantly imploy in
that service : wherefore wee doe with the greatest earnestness press you to the
conclusion of this affair as a matter of great importance.
How you have disposed of our Cloth wee shall know when wee peruse
your acctts. but for the goods you have sent us in truck thereof they seem to
bee men stroughs ill provided mostly very bad goods and dear bought of
whioh wee shall give you to many particular instances after our sale is over
which wee are now entering upon.
Whenever you write to us hereafter send by the very next conveyance
copies of what you write to us to our President and Councill of Suratt as also
of all other your general letters that they may see and judge of all your corres-
pondency in our business.
Red Carmenia wool is your most stable Comodity of that send us yearly
hereafter double the quantity you have sent in any former years which you
will never arrive at by the old beaten tract of your predecessors by extraordi
nary diligence and contrivance of employing Armenians that you
can trust