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                              get down MJL Jervis writes lie sliou'd send it by a Tranlcey that wag shortly
                              afterwards to proceed to Muscat recommended to Narratan.
                                 The hmozan being noar ovor & having recc’d the Bashaws final  answer
                             to tbe Commissions Sen .. Kiso was eliarg’d with as ^ his letter enter’d in tho
                  Ml. Garden dopnted Diary, Wo on the 16 JnsA. held a Council to consider on the Bngdat Affairs in
              *              general & what measures to pursue during the present Critical Situation of
   1          S (S^No* oxxxiv.) them, the Laim having departed that Court as before advis’d YJL Ilonor &c^ &
              Bl             tho Bashaw’s positively refusing to send the necessary orders for the recovery
              iii            of Hod: Eusuph's Debt unless wo abide by the phrimaunds & get all  our
                             proofs attested by tbe Cady, a point wo have hitherto persever’d in not com­
                             plying with, & which we have tho satisfaction to observe has been greatly
                             approv’d of by His Excellency the Ambassador as & Copy enclos’d of a para­
                             graph of his Letter to Mr Shaw which he directed him to send Us
                             wc  tboreforo took tho wholo into due consideration together with Yjl Honor
                             &ciL orders to Us on this Hoad recc’d by the Tartar; when we camo to a
                             resolution accordingly, & appointed Mr Garden (ho boiug tho most proper
                             person from his knowledge of tbe Turkish Tongue &o£_ ) to proceed to Bagdat
                             with a present to tho Bashaw on his accession to the GovermnA. the want of
                             which we believe has in groat measure hitherto retarded our Business but as
                             this measure has been pointed out & recommended so earnestly by tbe Bashaw,
                             & but little more than what is Customary to a new Bashaw we flatter ourselves
                             Yi. Honor &ctT will approve thereof, especially as, Mr Gardens Expenses
                             cannot exceed 12,00 It JL Enclos’d wo transmitt copy of our Instructions to
                             Mr Garden to which we beg leave to refer YJ- Honor &cJL of tbe points be is
                             oharg’d with who sett out on tbe 28 th & shall only add oa this, subject at
                             present We have tho greatest reason to hope be will meet with all desirable
                             Success it the Ultimate recourse we can take upon ourselves for obtaining
                             Justice from them in the meantime shall embrace the first opportunity that
                             offers to inform YJL Honor &o__. very fully of all his proceedings.
                                Your Honor &cJL. will observe that tbe Bashaw seems very unwilling to
                 The Pasha’s heaita-
                 witb'thr>lmperal comPty the Imperial Birat & CommandnA. that accompany’d it, alledging
                 Birat.      no such Consulage was demanded before by any of tbe Companys Servants
                             residing here, which in fact is very true because no Commission of this kind
                             was ever obtain’d before from the Embassador at the Porte but this we have
                             reason to believe is neither the Real nor Sole motive for his dislike to it at present,
                             being well assur’d the Mefchants at first without considering the advantage
                             that wou’d accrue to them from it sent him a considerable Present to prevent its
                             taking place & therefore he expects one from us to a greater am.*, which will at
                             once remove his present objections & every obstacle that has been thrown in its
                             way, whence we make no doubt but, M Garden will be able to effect the neces­
                             sary orders for carrying tbe same into execution when it appears to Us, that many
                             6 great advantages will "arise to tbe Merchants & Trade in general from it at
                             this place fora9 they have a right in consequence thereof to demand our protec­
                             tion against the enormitys so frequently committed by tho Shawbunders People
                             while their Goods are laying at the Gumrook or Custom House they wou’d
                             therefore all be Landed at our Lathy if they chose it & clear’d out upon the
                             Sale without any other Charge but tho 2 P CA- & thus the Trade wou’d
                             circulate more freely & we sbou’d answer  to the Governm-i. for their Duty of
                             7 P CA. besides the Armenians in particular who are Chief Freighters from
                             Bengal seeing their property thus Secur’d wou’d never send their Goods on
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