Page 264 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 264


                  Ktrlm Khao'a   wo could not at present accept Oarera Caun’s proposals for stationing a vessell
                  proposal* lor
                  stationing ooo or   or two constantly iu the Gulph yot if lio (the Resident) at any timo thought
                  two ▼Mioia in tbe   it material for our Hon’ble Masters interest to assist him with one occasion­
                             ally we permitted thereof, provided it did not interfere with any sorvioe the
                              Company might have for them but forbid the London being dotainod   upon
                             this or any other occasion longer than was absolutely necessary to land her
             co               goods. That as Buahiro was now an established Residency the Table  was
             B;              no longer to be kept at the Hon’blo Companys expense but he was to bo
             Bi              allowed 160 Rupees per month Diet Money aud 30 Rs. per month servants
                  Th« uJJeoJn|dheothcr wages and permitted to keep two horses for himself and Assistant who was to
                  Buibiw Knidency. upon the same footing as tho Agent and ho was to acquaint us what allow-
                             anoo  he thought was reasonable for the Linguist. Wo enclosed him copy of a
                             paragraph of our Hon’ble Masters Commands to which wo enjoined strict

                                      Basrah Factoiy Diary No. 2—194 of 1764-95, 26th March 1786.
                                 At a Consultation Present:
                                         The Right W. Peter Elwin Wrench, Esq.
                                          M^ Dymokb Lyster.
                  Pi£T°D,Mwder of This mee^nS hald purposely to take into consideration the purport of a
 I                the Commander of Letter justrece’d by Boat Express from Busbire giving the melancholy account
                             of the Murder of Captn.r Sutherland and his Officers suppos’d to be perpetrated
                             by the Arabs taken from hence whereon we have come to this determination ;
                             That as there was on Board the Vessell to a great ami. of English property
                             that the Tartar be dispatch’d as allready determined to Busbire and that tbe
                             Resid K be directed in case his information regarding the place be such as
                             gives any hopes of recovering the Money 'from the Shaik who has plunder’d
                             the Murder&s without endangering the Company’s Vessell or property whioh
                             he is well to consider of, and whioh by his Situation he must be a moro Com­
                              petent Judge than Us to Urder her to proceed to that place, and as it is neces­
                              sary a Company’s Servant shou’d be employ’d on this Occasion ; Agreed that
                              Mjl Hollamby proceed on the Tartar to Bushire where on his arrival if the
                              Resid-L deems the affair feasable he is to comply with the Instructions we now
                             give him and to prooeed thither accordingly but if on the contrary to return
                             hither by the first opportunity front Bushire.
                                                                         P. E. WRENCH.
                                 The RJL WJL Peteb Elwin Whenoh, EeqJL,
                                                     Agent SfcJL Council,
                             RJL W.° 8ir & Sirs,
                                 This is purposely to advise your W-£- Ac^- that this Day arriv’d here
                              from Oongoon a 8ervant, a Helmsman and Lascars late belonging to CaptA
                              Sutherland of the Islamabad, who give the following relation. That the
                              Islamabad having proceeded from this place down the Gulph, encountred   near
                              the Island of Kishme a very violent S: E: Wind, in which the Ship lo9t two
                              anohors and was very near perishing that after .this OaptA- Sutherland bore

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