Page 265 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 265

           away boforo the wind up tho Qulph again, as far as a plaoo call’d Magoo, on
           the peraian Shore, at which time the G. Fob.*, being distress’d for water an^
           provisions, ho sent his Long Boat on Shoro at that place, for a Supply (those
           people that are now arriv’d here with the 3. Officer an Englishman and some
           others hoiug in her) that having procur’d a supply of Water and provisions they
           return’d next Day for the Ship, and having after some difficulty reach’d her
           (tho Wind then blowing very hard,) a rope was thrown to them by somo of
           tho Lascars and several of tho people in the Long boat got into the Ship, hut
           as tho Captains Servant was getting in, some Arab Lascars (hired by Capt-E
           Sutherland and BassaraJ •wounded him in several places with a Lance on
           which he fell down into the Water and was taken into the Long Boat again
           shortly after this the same Arabs sliott tho .3A officer who was iu the Long
           Boat with a pistol Ball thro* the Head, of which woun’d he instantly Died and*
           the other persons in the Boat cast her off and boro away to save their Lives J,
           they add that during all the Time tho Long Boat was along side the Ship they
           did not see either CaptJL or Officer on the Quartor Deck; That on the 7. Fobi
           they went on shore at a little Town about a League to the S " ward of Magoo*
           where the Sbaik stripped them and Seiz’d the LoDg Boat, this is all tho relation
           they can give me from their own knowledge, but add that they were after­
           wards inform’d, that the Arab Lascars had murder’d the Captain and Officers
           and plunder’d the Ship of money to a considerable amount and that Land­
           ing with it on the Island of Khist, the Sbaik of that Island seiz’d them and
           took it from them, sending them in a small Boat bound over to the Conti­
           nent and this account is confirm’d by several persons arriv’d here from Congoon
           and other parts and whoaver that they had the relation from the very Arabs
           themselves, who perpetrated the Fact, giving in excuse for it, an account
           of their being cruelly treated by Captain Sutherland and his officers t
           & it is added that after these Arabs had left the Ship, the remaining people on
           Board hired two Pilots at Kliist & proceeded with her for Muscat.
                                                 I am with Respect,

                                               Right Wi. Sir & Sirs,
                                               Your most ObdJL ServJL
                                               BENJAMIN JERVIS.
          6th March 1765.
              P.5.—The people here inform mo that the Village on the Island of Khist
           19 a very defenceless unfortifyed Place, & that a very trifling Force wou’d be
          sufficient be oblige the Sbaik to deliver up the money I fancy the Tartar & Sloop
          wou’d very effectually perform this Service.


             Agent and Council at Basrah to the President & Governor, &cJL, Council of Bombay.
          Hon’hle Sir & Sms,
              We address’d Tour Honor &oJL la3t on the 17 ult-^- by Tartar to Bushir
          Duplicate whereof aocompanys this, but as the London was sail’d before it
              3883 F. D.
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