Page 262 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 262
I am very Sensible Sir, to the obliging readiness you express of being
usefull to me in the part of the World where you reside ; I dcsiro to return
You my thanks, & to assure You of my being very truly.
Your very good Friend & kumblo SorvJL,
1 Constantinople,
Sept Jr 74.
We the Right Honble Henry Grenville Ambassador to His Majesty the
King of Great Britain, at the Ottoman Porte, &cJL. &c-£..
To all whom these presents may concern Greeting
H. Grenville,
Having judg’d it very proper, & necessary to grant this present, for the
Service of the Honble English United East India Company, as also for the
better Security & prosperity of their affairs in Trade at Bassora, & also where
in the Ottoman Dominions, as also to Secure & assure a protection to all
persons, in the respective Residencys of their Agents, & Ministers, that from
henceforth there bo establis h’d a Consul with ample & full power over all
belonging to his charge to execute the abovomention’d.
Be it therefore known that Wo by Virtue of authority granted us by
Royal Letters patent under the Great Seal of Great Britain & conformable
to an Imperial Birat, granted by the Emperors Sublime porte & the Sultan
Mustafa, Son of Sultan Ahmed allways Victorious. By these Presents We
declare & acknowledge the Illustrious M JL. Robert Garden the present Agent
of the said Honble Company (or also their future Agents) and whoever be
Agent in future & whoever be British Consul for transacting their affairs in
the City of Bassora, or other place thereto belonging, or dependant thereon,
Granting however to the said Ml.. Robert Ga rden, or even to any who shall
be Agent in future, Full & ample powe r in all things belong, to his charge ;
& in this respect We order all His Brittanick Majesty’s Subjects to acknow
ledge him in Quality of British Consul, praying their Excellencys the
Honble Bashar and other Officers, Ministers & Magistrates of the Ottoman
Empire to whom these presents shall be she wn, to suffer them freely to Enjoy,
& amply & peacably to enjoy th eir Consulship, & to aid them with their
assistance, protection & Favor, whenever their occasions lead them to have
recourse to Them, conformable to the good & ancient Friendship, subsisting
between the Grown of Great Britain, & the Sublime porte & conformable to
the Sacred Capitulations.
In faith of which Wo have Sign’d those presents with our own Hand, &
have caus’d it to he countersign'd by our ohief Secretary, applying thereto
the Royal Seal of our Embassy, done in our palace of pera at Constantinople
this 29August 1704.
By Order of His Excellenoy,