Page 257 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 257

          tho Bluo and Green Perpets taken by tlio CorasooDers, which made it absolutely
          necessary there should be a proportion of 20 or 25 Bales Scarlet or Aurora
          Porpots to 100 of the other colours, without which the Popinjais would never sell,
          boing a colour much disliked by the Persians in general, he therefore requested
          wo  would send him about fifty bales of Scarlet or Aurora perpets, and a few
          sortmcnts of coarse cloth, such as Blue, Green and a few Aurora ; In at
          Post-script ho advised that Lieut. Thomas Durnford had repaid what
          was .advanced him there, on account his pay, and took passage hither on the

                              Public Dept. Dinry No. 42 of 1764.

                                Bombay Castle, 15th May 1764.
          At a Consultation Present:
               The Hon’ble Charles Crommelin, Esq., President and Oovr.
         The W. Willm. Andrew Price, Esq. Samuel Court.
         Charles Waters.                    Cecil Bowter.
                            George England, Suprintendent.
                  *            «            «            »

             Read the letters above extracted from the Residents at Bushire and Fort The equivalent of
                                                                             Tabrii Maond.
         Victoria, We cannot help being of opinion the former has greatly over rated
         the Tabreez Maunds as we have never known it reckoned more than six pounds
         and two thirds (6$) and as selling by our own Weights will be least liable to
         imposition. Resolved in future that all goods bought or sold by the English at
         Bushire, whether on the Hon’ble Company’s or private accounts be received
         and delivered by English Weights, at so much per hundred Weight, or the
         Resident may fix the Tabreez Maund at seven pounds over dupoiz certain, if
         he should find it more agreeable to the Merchants who may regulate themselves
         in respect to the Prices they may be to receive or give according to their own
         Weights as they may think proper.


                               Publio Dept. Diary No. 42 of 1764.
                                Bombay Castle, 25th June 1764.
          At a Consultation Present:
                 The Honble Charles Crommelin, President and Governor.       ToMday 26th Jana.
          The W. William Hornby, Esqr.       John Gouin, Major.
          William Andrew Price.              Charles Waters.
          Samuel Court.                      Cecil Bowybr.
         Jam. Ryley.

             Narraton the English Broker at Muscat his attoreny having presented a
             2578 P. D.

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