Page 256 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 256
John Spcnoor Indisposed Samuel Court at the Hot Wells.
Read and Approved out last communication of the 19th Ultimo.
Resolvod in order to put the Customs and Consulage at Bus hire upon the
lame footing os at the Agency, that one Per Cent. Consulago be in future col-
seoted therefor the President.
Public Department, Diary No. 42 of 1764.
Bombay Castle, 16th April 1764.
Boebiro, Letter to. That to the Resident at Bushire likewise acquainted him of our having
appointed Mr. Wrench Agent for our Double Masters Affairs in Persia, to
Wrench appointed whom wo directed him to give the necessary information in respect to all con-
to^whomBnlhir*’ oerns under his management, and to obey him as Agent in future agreeable to
Reaideiicr to be tho established Rules in the service. That having determined to collect one
d per cent Consulage for the Hon’ble the President on the trade at Bushire in
order to put it upon the same footing as the Agenoy the necessary orders were
now sent to Bussorah for that purpose which, we directed him to observe.
That we had laden sundry stores on the Tartar for his use amounting to
Rs. 491-3-27.
Public Department, Diary No. 42 of 1764.
Bombay Castle, 1st May 1764.
Bo •hire, Letter Imported the Nancy Snow Capt. David Simmons Commander from
from. Bushire, by whom received a Letter from Mr. Benjamin Jervis dated the 31st
Large a&le often at March, owning Receipt of our Advices of the 24th January and 12th February
IiJSL rc and Drake Ketch, and having landed from her the goods consigned thither, he
dispatched her for Bussorah the 27th March. That the Merchants of Bushire
learning there was Tin on hoard the Drake belonging to the Hon’ble Company
had pressed him much to laded it there offering for it Rupees 3£ per Maund
Emrii«b equivalent Tabze, a better price than by accounts it boro at Bussorah, he had accordingly
•f Tabriz Maaod. landed such part as could be conveniently got at being 14,107 Caps per 162-2-
27J such part and immediately sold it all at the above price, which he hoped
we would approve, observing that about ten thousand Maunds Tabze might
annually be disposed of there at that price or near it, and that Cap Tin most
esteemed. That on receiving the Scales and Weights he had adjusted them
with the Tabze Maund before several principal Merchants there with the
greatest Exactness, and found the Tabze Maunds was 7'38 of our English
Weights. That not having received any scarlet or Aurora perpets by the Drake
Sale of clotb. and the coarse cloth by the Nancy being all of one colour, had proved very
prejudicial to his Salos, the Purchasers in January having declined taking coarse
cloth and perpets to an equal amount of what they then bought for want of
those other sortmonts, and he had been obliged to abate 2 Rupees per piece on