Page 253 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 253


            President and Governor and Council, Bombay, to William Andrew Price and Dyhock
                Wo shall now proceed to reply to the several Letters received from the Orders on the
            Agent (M-l Price) since his arrival at Bussora, and give you such orders and and Shaw, Garden
            directions as appear to us necessary in oonsoquonco thereof. As he (MJL Price) shlwwdelldto16,1
            represents he committed no acts of Hostility and we’supposo no interruption Ji^Y^fYeid
            was given to the trade of the Port, wo approve of the measures he pursued on responsible for ih*
            his arrival (at Bussora), in^ not going to Town till some previous measures were
            settled with the Government and though it affords us the utmost satisfaction to
            find it put out of dispute that Hadjee Eusuph is really indebted on account of
            Woollens the sum of Tomaunds 11,674-53-24) and that M_f_. Price is possessed of
            his obligation for the same; yet we must still look upon Messrs. Shaw and
            Garden as responsible for the Balance of Tomaunds 11,807-2-10 due to our
            Hon’ble Masters the 2-itli March 1702, nor does it in our opinion the least
            exculpate those Gentlemen for being guilty of a Breach of orders in delivering
            Woollens upon trust although it clears them from the suspicion which from the
            Cash account might have been entertained of their having appropriated that
            amount to their own use, and which has induced us unanimously to agree to take
            off the Bar to MjL Shaw’s coming into Council, and to admit him to a Seat
            therein, conformable to his standing, submitting bis conduct as to delivering
            Woollens upon trust contrary to orders, and the consequence which may ensue
            therefrom to the determination of the Hon’ble Company, to whom a full and
            impartial account of these transactions will be transmitted as soon as we receive
           the necessary particulars from Mr. Price. M__. Shaw must therefore hold him­
            self in readiness for repairing to the Presidency accordingly whenever ho may
            think proper, though as his presence at Bussorah may be essentially necessary
            for procuring payment of the above money from Hodjee Eusuph, by wbioh
            alone there seems to be any prospect of his being enabled to discharge the above
            Balance due from him and MJl Garden, we think it behoves him in such case
           to stay till it is cleared. Eor the same reason whioh has induced us to be s°
            favourable to Ml. Shaw, we have agreed to take off M-rr Garden's suspension
            and restore him to the service, until our Hon’ble Master’s pleasure can be
           known regarding him, and as Ml Price represents he may be serviceable in
           their affairs at Bussorah, we permit of his continuing to act in his station there,
           but we cannot think of confirming him as second, until his future behaviour
           6hall induce us entirely to look over his past miscondnct, and convince us he
           merits so great an indulgence.”                                 i                 i
                                            *         *          *                           !
               We really do not see the necessity there was for detaining the Swallow as Detention of
                                                                             cruism io the
           W. Price writes he intended and as the frequent and almost constant detention
           of the cruizers at Bassor% is found to be attended with many inconveniences
           and is very prejudicial to the service of the Presidency, we find ourselves now
           under the disagreoablo necessity of limitiug the stay of all oruizers at Bassora
           to a month after their arrival at furthest which you arc therefore strictly       i
           ordered to observe as a standing rule that we shall at the same time rely on
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