Page 248 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 248

I                                                    1C8

                Grant of prWDrgea into consideration this proposal of the Shaiks together with jour Honour ctee.
                OwoUwrV8bSkh instruction's and haying made the necessary enquiry into the stale of affair*
                NMirofBu.biro).                                                            **
                            inland and finding the whole country from Bushiro to Isphaun under tho
                            Command of ono man ( Carom Caun) which wou’d probably make tho expense
                           of Oarravans more easy and being likiwise assured of tho merchants of
                           Bushiro themselves that there was not any risque in landing our goods thoro.
                           I accordingly entered into a negotiation with tho Sbaik’s son which as usual
                           from the delays of these Eastern People took up soveral days and after all when
                           wo came to tho point he confessed to me that he could not agree to some of the
                           articles particularly that tho Honblo Company should have an exclusive right
                           to trading in Woolen Goods without his Father's consent, I therefore, dis­
                           patched the late Linguist of Gombroon Stephen Hermit to Shaik Saddoon with
                           a set of Articles writing him a suitable letter upon the occasion directing tho
                           Linguist to insist strenuously upon that articlo regarding the Woolen Goods
                           and in short to acquaint the Shaik I could not recede from any ono of them,
                          I have now the pleasure to acquaint your Honour etc. that although tho
                           Bhaik started objections to some articles yet at length signed the whole writing
                          me a letter at the same timo in confirmation thereof. Copy of these * articles is
                          enclosed and as I flatter myself they are advantageous for tho Honble Company
                          hope will meet your approval. The Shaik’s son representing to me that  some
                          Bushire Merchants were gone to Juddak and other places to purchase Wollens
                          I was obliged to consent to that part of the 2nd Article the English being at
                          liberty to sieze and confiscate any Woolen Goods which might be brought clan­
                          destinely to Bushire should not take place until four months from the date of
                          the agreement.
                              It being your Honour etc. intentions that in case of factory was established
                          at Bushire the woollen Goods proper for the Persia Market should be taken on
                          shore there myself and Mr. Jervis agreed to land the Broad Cloth Perpets
                          Tabbies and Sattins being what remained at Gombroon and what intended for
                          that place as more particularly mentioned in our general address to which I beg
                          leave to refer to your Honour etc. and as a largo Carravan was shortly expected
                          from Shyrash and the Honble Company having a property so considerable at
                          Bushire determined me to leave Mr. Jervis there in charge thereof together
                          with an Artillery Officer and twelve Military for protecting the Honble
                          Company's Goods and giving a credit to their affairs on our first settling whioh
                          I hope your Honour etc. will approve of together with my instructions copy
                          of which is enolosed.
                             Bushire from its situation being about fourteen days from Shyrash and
                          thirty from Spahaun promises extremely well for opening a large vend for
                          woollens into the kingdom of Persia and the whole country in that route before
                          noticed being under the Command of Carem Caun whose arms at present
                          make a considerable progress and whom its generally allowed governs with
                          great justice and moderation gives us good hopes of success. The people at
                          Bushire are very different from most in the Gulph being of a mercantile turn
                          and have soveral vessels of their own and as the Shaik has two ships two
                          Gallivat8 and some Trankies, I think the Honble Company’s property does not
                          run any risque for in case of inquiry or oppression it is in our own power to
                          obtain satisfaction. Moreover our landing the Woollens proper for Persia at
                          Bushire instead of carrying them to Bussorah thero is room to think will keep
                          up the price there. The above considerations together with the advantage
                                               *Seo AiloliUon’s Treaties Vol. X.
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