Page 246 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 246
me in behalf of the Honblo Company and Shaik Saddoon to which you will
shew a duo attention taking proper care that they are not infringed as one
point given up in the boginning will draw ou further encroachments, though
these people seem so sensible of the benefit that will accrue to the place from
f ho English having a Factory hero that I have roason to hope you will not
meet with impedemont or molestation in the course of your business.
Being advised that a largo caravan is shortly expected from Shyrash I have
been induced therefrom as well as the pressing entreaties of the Shaik to land
331 Bales of Broad Cloth 148 Bales of Perpets and 4 chests of Tabbies and
sattins being tbo sortmonts proper for the Persia Market Invoices of which
nro enclosed which I recommend to you to dispose of at the prices such goods
usually sold for at Gombroon an account of which is enclosed but as it may be
for the Honblo Company’s interest on our first settling here ns well to invite
the merchants from up Country as to discourage the Hutch at Carraok
and others from bringing Wollons into tho Gulpli to lower those prices I must
leave it to your discretion to act in the manner most conducive to these ends,
observing in general that a large vend though attended but with small profit
will always bo satisfactory to tbo Honblo Company which is very desirous
of extending this valuable Branch of its Trade.
As the money for your sales will he paid iu different species both of gold
and silver, a Shroff will bo necessary to prevent any imposition. You are
accordingly empowered to entertain one and in order to encourage him to a
faithful discharge of his duty a sbroftage of £ per cent.
A duty of 3 per cent is to be collected on all goods imported and exported
by those trading under the Honble Company’s protection, whioh you are to
levy accordingly and carry tho amount to their credit and in order to prevent
any frauds or deceits in this respect you will observe by the 9th Artiole of the
Agreement made with Shaik Saddoon that in case the Bushire merchants
should purchase goods from any persons trading under the English Protection
from the Factory a due aocount thereof is to he rendered to the Resident
for the time being, for which purpose one of his people is to attend at the
weight and delivery of all goods so sold, and by the lltli Article none of the
Shaiks subjeots are to purohase goods from English ships or vessels in the Road.
As the securing the Collection of the Hon’blo Company’s Customs depends
upon a due attention to these Articles, you must take care that you are properly
enforced upon all occasions. The Honble the President and Council of
Bombay having further permitted the collecting a Consulage for one per c *. on all
English Trade, you are to levy it accordingly. Half tho amount is allowed you
and the other half is to be carried to the credit of the Agent of Bussorah.
For protecting the Honble Company’s Goods and giving a credit to their
affairs I have landed an Artillery Officer 7 soldiers and Artillery People I have
Pp not any account to what time they have been paid at Bombay, but you may
Co: advance them money occasionally for their Expences.
As I shall have occasion for your service at Bussorah I hope you will be
able to dispose of the Goods now lodged with you upon the arrival of the
Carravan or at least the greatest part of them. I shall send a vessel to carry
you up on which you are to ship all tho Company's Cash in your Hands
but if any good conveyance offers in the interim you may put it on board
and consign it to the Agent and Council.
I leave in your hands Rs. 2,000 for carrying on your expenses in which
jKjd are to observe the utmost frugality and as from tho observation I bave