Page 243 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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tlio 14.^ May 1731, and acquainted us, under the 13*1 July following, that
the Balance duo on their arrival from Messli Shaw and Garden to our
Hon'ble Masters was Tomans 15,078-25-60 iu part of which those Gentlemen
had to that time made good the sum of Tomaunds 2,76C-4:6ms-40 fence and
were then indebted Tomaunds 12,317-<9-10, and which by advices since
received, we find has been reduced to Tomaunds 11,807-2-10, and which by
Letters and accounts hitherto come to band appears to be the Balanco due
from Moss*± Shaw and Garden at this time. Affairs being thus circumstanced
at Bussorah and M L. William Shaw having represented that the only means
of euabling him and M L Garden, to discharge this very large debt to the
Honorable Company was to afford him proper countenance and support in
adjusting his outstanding concerns there, we have determined that you shall
proceed to Bussora, to endeavour to recover the said Debt, and to afford M L.
William Shaw all the countenance and Assistance in adjusting his concerns
which the influence of the British Flag may bo able to afford him ; Also to
take charge of our Hon’ble Masters’ affairs at Bussorah, until your presence
may be no longer necessary fqr adjusting M — Shaw’s concerns, or until further
orders from us, You are accordingly invested with the Presidents’ Commission
for these Purposes and ML Benjamin Jervis (who now proceeds) and Mf_
Dymoke Lyster already there, are as Factors to assist you in the management
of affairs, agreeable to the Rules of the service, and for your better carrying
our intentions into execution.
• ML- Douglas having on his arrival at Bussorah suspended Mr#. Robert
Garden, from acting in the Hon’ble Company’s affairs there, on account the
large Balance of Cash due to our Hon’ble Masters, which we have since
confirmed, he must continue in the same situation, until his and Ml Shaw’s
affairs are finally adjusted, but he must be present at all examinations,
wherein he may be in the least concerned, and be permitted to urge whatever
he may deem necessary in his own defence.
* Our Hon’ble Masters having been pleased in their oommands of the
Remoral of the
16%■ April last, to recommend to our consideration the removing the Agency from
from Gombroon to Bussorah, we have determined thereon, and agreeable to their
commands now give Mi. Douglas the option of being Agent, but as Ml Shaw
has through the whole of his correspondence, taxed that Gentleman in such
a manner, as if just, renders him by no means a proper person to be concerned
in the adjustment of Mi Shaw’s Affairs or in the Enquiry you are ordered to
make into some points of his conduct, and as his being Agent while these
affairs are depending, might give Room for Ml. Shaw to allege hereafter,
that his influence, and the countenance and support, he has all along shewn to
Hodgee Eusuph in prejudice to him, was an insurmountale obstacle to the
settling bis affairs, and setting his conduct in a clear and just Light to us,
we have determined that your shall take charge of our Honorable Masters’
Affairs at Bussorah immediately on your arrival, and continue to manage the
same, until your presence may be no longer necessary for settling M JL Shaw’s
affairs, or until further orders from hence, but as Mr. Douglas may accompany
you to Bussorah, to produoe such proofs, as he may judge necessary on the
spot, for vindicating his character from the Aspersions thrown upon it by M L
William Shaw (for which purpose we now 6end him attested copies of the
several charges laid against him by that gentleman), you are to behave to