Page 238 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 238

                              Affairs this way continue much in the same situation as for some time
              Jaffer Khan   past and most of the inhabitants reduced to a very low obb. Jaffor Caun
              re called from.
              Gombroon.   aftor many fruitless attempts to avoid going to Lhor was obliged to sot out
                          the 10th ultimo and Nassir Oaun now makes a merit of removing a man who
                          was odious to the whole place, but the real cause was he wanted to got from
                          him what ho had fleeced the inhabitants of, and its generally thought ho will
                          not leave him worth a singlo Rupee, after whioh its not improbable but ho
                          may send him hero again to get more it appears to mo that Nassir Caun and
                          all his relations are a bad race of pooplo, neither oaths or any thing els.e  are
                          tho least binding, and their ohiof art consists on chicanery, and if any one in
                          their districts is possessed of a singlo rupee, they will have part of it, in short
                         its difficult to manage with them.
                             Nassir Caun for the present has appointed JafBr Caun’s father-in-law
                         Govornour hero a man of an avaricious disposition aud one who, I am apt to
                         think, would not lot slip an opportunity of enriching himself and as wo have
                         such a set of people to deal with am obliged to aot with greatest caution to
                         prevent many evil and bad consequences, its the same to them who t.h«v
                         fleece so they but get the cash.
                             Peace is concluded between Moolah Ally Shaw, the Julfar and Benemine
             Pence concluded   Arabs, the latter are to keep Ormuse and be put in possession of Loft Fort and
             between Molla All
              Shew end the Jalfer  to have all their lands at Bassidore and the revenues of the Island this time to
             and Beni Main  be divided between the three. The Shaik of Julfar keeps possession of the
                         Ship Rabmanny.
                             Last month the Benemine Arabs surprized Custack a sea Port belong­
                         ing to Sherriary and immediately wrote Jaffir Caun to send some soldiers to
                         garrison it, as they had taken it for his brother. This affair was done to
                         show their attachment to Nassir Caun in hopes he would give them the
                         Government of Gombroon but by the best accounts I can learn he has no
                         such designs, nor will ho part with this place.
                            It is said Nassir Caun has agreed to allow the Benimine Arabs an annual
                         pay on condition they carry on no trade but only cruize in the Gulph and aot
                         according to his orders which, if true, they will soon become common free­
                         booters, and it is further said in order to secure them to his interest, he is to
                         marry a daughter of the late Abdul Shaiks and that ’eer long he will come here
                        for that purpose.
                            I have received no wool from Carmenia but by what the Linguist writes
                         it may be soon expected.
                            You will please to observe that all letters reoe’d from Bussorah since
                        the death of Mr. Stuart to this time are entered in the Diary pages 164, 165,
                         182, 190,194,199.
                                                               I am with respect,
                                                             Hon’ble Sie and Sibb,
                                                          Your most obedt. hble. servant,
                                                             ALEXANDER DOUGLAS.
                             dt\ February 1763.
                          Rcc'cd 2nd Alarck p. Nancy.
                                 No. *7.
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