Page 235 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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           they liad been liable to of lato years from People in. Government, whioh
           however should ho avoided as much as possible.

          Extract, paragraphs 77 and 78, of Despatch, dated 16th April 1762, from the Court of
              77.  Wo are sorry to find Nasseor Caun has forced from our Servants at
           Gombroon 1,000 Tomaunds under the pretence of a loan which they say was ^bJwUwHwrT
           complied with to save what effects we had there. We are now thoroughly to   to*
           convinced from all the advices that the continuing a settlement at that place keep up the British
           must under the present circumstances be attended with such risk as will bo no
           ways adequate to any advantage we can possibly receive, all that we apprehend
           necessary for the present is to keep a Linguist there in a small house to be
           hired from the Country People. The vessel that carries the cloth to Bussorah
           may oall there to carry advico from thence of tho situation of the country to
           the Presidency. The Captain or no one else are to land any goods from the
           ship, nor is he to go on shore as our views are only to keep a footing that the
           first opportunity may be embraced to resettle when we see tranquility prevails
           in the country.                                                                 .
              78.  We observe from your advices that you had empower’d the Agent
           and Council of Gombroon to remove to any place in the Gulph where our
           property may be secure, and in the Gombroon letter of the 9th of April          ■i
           following it appears the Agent intended to view some of the Islands in his way
           to and from Bussorah for that purpose, but whatever his report may be, we       I
           hope you have not proceeded therein, as we expect and direct that you take no
           step of this kind without first obtaining our permission, there being no
           encouragement at present to be at any expenoe in making new settlements in
           that Gulph, and therefore until you can establish our affairs at Persia in safety,
           tranquility and with prospect of advantage we recommend (that you totally
           withdraw that. Agency and maintain only our Linguist at Gombroon who may
           keep up our flag as was done for many years at Carwar.

                             Public Department Diary No. 89 of 1762.
                               Bombay Castle, 2nd September 1762.
           Imported the Monmonth Ketch Joseph, Price Master from the Gulph of Persia by which
                     received three letters from the Agent & Council at Gombroon, dated the 9th
                     May, 5 th & 6th ultimo.                                                i
               The First was purposely to advise their having received Notice of a Gombroon* L,lt«r  I
           8panish War from the Resident at Bussorah and in order that we might get
           this intelligence as soon as possible, they bad directed Narrotan at Muscat to Carmufif'm
           transmit it by a Boat Express should no vessel offer from thence for this place.
               The Second advised their having sent to Bussorah the goods received by
           the Royal Captain for that market and that very few merchants had been at
           Gombroon from the inland parts. As the amount sales to them from August
           last did not exoced 26,000 Rupees and the sum total of their sales for that time
           was  only 36,020 Rupees the Multan merchants who used formerly to deal largely
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