Page 231 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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in their Power for the recovery thereof and directed to avoid lending my
monoy to the Country powers as much as possible. That agreablo to their
desire wo had not sent them any Wollens, but would have them transmit an
Account of what Goods they might have a prospect of setting in the present
unsettled state of the Country, we orderod them to send the Drake Ketch
immediately to Bussorah with an onclos’d packet for the Hon’ble Company,
the original ot which wo ordered to bo sont over tho Desart and Duplicate by
the way of Bagdad to Aleppo and order’d them to advise the Hon’ble Company
of all occurrences worthy notice. We order’d them to proclaim his most graci- Proclamation of
ous Majesty George the Third and enclos’d them Copy of the Form use'd on Gcorga°n0i.Kmff
that occasion and order’d them to take tho oath of Allegiance to him and to
administer both that and the oath of Fidelity to all the Officers there, both
Military and Marine, wo enclos’d them also a Copy of our Hon’ble Masters
Commands of the 5 November and 31 December 1760 relative to their Place
and directed Mr. Walter Douglas to remain there as Bencoolen was in the
Enemy’s possession. Their remains of Wool we ordered them to send per
Swallow, but as old Copper was very low and likely to bo still lower, We
directed them not to send any if they cou’d avoid it and if they sliou’d have
remittances to make we directed them to do it in Gold or silver. That with
respect to their removing from thence. Mr. Lyster’s Conduct their Expense3
and the Military Detachment, our orders concerning which were agreable to
our consultation tho 3d and 20 instant.
Public Department Diary No. 88 of 1762.
Bombay Cattle, 30th January 1762.
That from the Agent & Council was dated the 24th ultio. & advised Gombroon. Letter
their despatching the Swallow with all the Carmenia Wool in warehouse from.
amount to Shahees 223,667*7. That the Hon’ble Company’s Orders not reach
ing Carmenia till more than half the Investment was sent away, occasioned
the red sorts of the quantity now sent not being separated & by the best
information they could get Broad Cloth & Perpets were ia demand in the
Inland parts though the Revolutions at Carmenia had prevented any merchants Tho boat port f«
coming there. That two Bales of Hing which were forced on the Carmenia Pcwin Gulf*
Linguist by the Government was now sent and agreeable to our orders the Buahir6*
Agent had reoonnoitered all the ports in that Gulph the best of whioh for
Trade was Bushire, which at that time was full of inland merchants who
seemed to have entire liberty to buy sell or export their goods when they
thought proper & he was of opinion by sending a covenant servant there it
would turn to account, the present Governour bearing an excellent character
and seemingly desirous of our settling there & had wrote the President on
the subject, which letter was inclosed. The Agent mentioned one conveniency
attending Bushire, that a Person there need have no connections or caress any
one but the Shaik himself and proposed having no very considerable amount
sent at first until some trial had been made how affairs would turn out. That
as three parts of the Town was surrounded by water & that towards the
land with a wall & mounted with good cannon he thought the expenses