Page 232 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 232


                           could not bo groat. They remarked that was the Government of Gombroon
                           in proper hands, it would be the best port in the Gulpli for the inland trade*
                           its situation being proper for supplying many places with Woollens. They*
               Advantages of
               Gombroon.   judged the Tin would sell from 20 to 25 Shahoes the Fabreoz Maund, as it was
                           liked by the Persians, but as that commodity was imported by tlio Dutch and
                           Private Traders they could not speak with certainty tlio’ believed that 1,000
                           inaunds Fabreez might soil annually Arocommended its being in caps. That
               ifovaniente of Beni
               Vain Arab*.  the Benimino Arabs bad brought all tboir Families from Carrack to Ormusc, but
                           as to their settling at Gombroon it was doubtful. They said Carmenia was in
                           no nourishing way, the village people being greatly oppressed & was imagined
                           would side with Nassir Caun. That they had roturnod by this vessol all the
                          Military A Artillery excopt one of the train and a Topass and were paid to tho
                          30th alto. & by the first conveyanco requested a supply of rice for their
                          monthly expenses. By tho last accounts from Bussorah they informed us
                          Messrs. Shaw & Garden bad discharged no further part, of their Debt the
                          Balance being the same as advised & Fort William & by accounts trans­
                          mitted us from Bussorah. We would observe seventy two Bales of the con-,
                          sigument & Admiral Pocock were remaining in Warehouse which the
                          contractor bad refused clearing alledging that they were paid for, which the
                          late Resident denied so that until their accounts was settled, it could not be
                          cleared up tho1 they assured us it should be done as soon as possible. That
                          Lieut. Stennett of the Swallow bad left her at Bussorah and sent the Agent
                          his commission. That not being able to supply the Swallow with Rice &
                          Ghee they bad directed Captain Nesbitt to call in at Muscat, & had wrote
                          ■Narrotan to furnish her with those articles, taking the Commander’s receipt.

         ]                                 Putlio Department Diary No. 38 of 1762.
                                             Bombay Cattle, ltl Februtry 1762.
              Gombroon, Letter             t
              Agent's proposal
              for tattling at
              Bnsbiro considered.  With respect to the Agent’s proposal for settling at Bushire, we  are
         J                of opinion, it will be more for our Hon’ble Masters’ Interest and much more
                          suitable to the present Situation of our affairs for the Agent either to proceed
                          thither himself or to send Mr. Lyster with such goods as he may judge will
                          answer, tho’ if there be a prospect of a good Market and the Company’s
                          Property not endangered thereby, he may be permitted to stay there in such a
                          house as he may able to hire & on being advised of the suooess which may
                          attend this measure we shall then be able to judge of the expediency of
                          settling there, tho’ we are rather inclined to think the sending a vessel thither
                          occasionally with 6uch goods as may from time to time be in demand will
                          answer better than having fixt residence of which however the Agent and
                          Council mijst be directed to give us their sentiments.
                             The President lays before the Board a Translation of the Letter enclosed
                         to him from the Sliaik of Bushire as entered hereafter, which is now read & a
                          copy thereof ordered to be6ent to Mr. Douglas, in order for his settling such
                          articles with him as he may be able & it must also bo remarked. We do not
                         observed he positively exempts the Hon’blo Company from paying Customs.
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